Together, Forever

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Sonic waited at the end of the runway. The slightest breeze could be felt. Tails was on a urgent sudden call. Even though he was supposed to have the rest of the day off. Sonic looked at the picnic basket and everything he had set up. "Two plates, bottle of champagne, cups, food......ect." He watched along the runway. Waiting for his lover to appear any moment. He saw something yellow walking towards him. Sonic smiled. Tails didn't know what was happening tonight but Sonic was sure hoping he didn't because that would have ruined the surprise. Sonic sat there letting the breeze catch his fur and blowing it. It felt like such a nice day. The sun was close to sunset and his lover was almost here.

Tails walked up to the picnic dinner Sonic had set up for him. He had really gone all out. Tails smiled with joy. His hedgehog was so sweet. Tails sat down feeling the breeze through his fur. God it felt good. He felt like he was flying on his jet. Though the wind didn't really make it past the tempered glass. Tails watched as Sonic smiled at him lustfully. Tails blushed. "So what's for dinner my lover?" Tails said happily. Sonic took out two chilidogs and set them on the plate. "Lean cuisine!" Sonic said sarcasticly. Tails laughed. Tails never liked fancy food anyway. Chilidsogs were the best. "Oh good, thought you would have gotten that nasty fancy stuff." Sonic laughed. "I only get the best of the best for my fox, which is the chilidog." Tails smiked. He loved Sonic's good humor. They began eating. Tails really didn't eat much. He was to worried about tomorrow. He had to lead his whole squadron into enemy territory and it was going to be tough. Yah there was always the chance of dieing but Tails wasn't scared of dieing......he was scared of leaving Sonic if he did. Sonic got up and reached out his hand to the fox. Tails took it and hoisted himself up. Sonic wrapped his arms around Tails and Tails put his head on Sonic's shoulder. He wished everyday was like this one. Peaceful. Loving. Cherishable. He noticed Sonic shift and take something out of his pocket. Tails noticed and was confused. A little velvety box in the hedgehog's hand. Sonic turned around. "I know Tails that life has been rough for the both of us and we both have had hardships but I want you to be mine, and only mine and I really want to secure your love and kindness before it finds somewhere else to go besides my heart. Sonic got on one knee and opened the box towards the fox. Tails began tearing up. "Tails, will you marry me?" Tails looked into the hedgehog's eyes tears streaming down his face. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. He was taken by surprise. "Y--Y--yes" Tails said smiling.

Sonic got off the ground and put the ring on his fiance's finger. It wasn't diamonds or emeralds but it had his and Tails's name engraved on it with a heart. It was gold and that was all but he hoped the fox like it the same.

Tails kissed the hedgehog. He couldn't contain his emotions. So many thoughts went through his head. "Who is moving in with who? Is there going to be a wedding? Where from here?" He kept kissing the hedgehog not completely sure of all the time that had passed. He didn't care, he wanted Sonic, and now Sonic was his......his forever.

Sonic pulled away slowly smiling at his fiance. The fox he loved and cared for so deeply. He couldn't wait to share this adventure called life with this fox. He didn't think about all the things they would have to do. He just wanted this moment to last. He knew that the fox's brain must've been going crazy with all the thoughts and possiblities in his head. He looked at Tails, Tails looked at him. Tonight was a night they would remember for the rest of their days. Their days together. Sonic pulled the fox in an embrace. The fox sqeezing in return. "Thank you Sonic.....for everything." Sonic stroked the foxs fur. It took all of his will power not to push the fox onto the ground right there and have a little fun but he decided he would wait till a better time. He wanted this moment to embrace the future and remember the past, learning from it and accepting what cannot be changed. Sonic had been waiting months for this and now he was Happy. All that was left to do was the last mission tomorrow. The mission that should be done with ease.

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