Time for Work

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Tails woke up. Last night was the best night of his life. He was quite sore but it was worth it. He had just lost his virginity to Sonic. And he would have preferred it no other way. Tails slowly got out of bed, as to not wake the sleeping angel in bed. He looked at the clock. 9:26. Tails yawned and stretched. He remembered something. "Damn it, I have to get ready for my mission tomorrow." He was about to run out of the room when a hand pulled him by the waist back to the bed. "Hey Beautiful." Sonic said happily. Tails reached over and kissed the hedgehog. "We have to get ready we have a big mission tomorrow and you haven't even learned the basics of your job." Sonic moaned. "Tails this is the last one right? I want to be with you and spend time with you, I don't want you to be gone all the time." Tails's looked into the hedgehog's eyes. "Alright this is the last mission, then I'll quit." Sonic smiled. "I love you." Tails smiled. "I love you too. Now it's time to wake up you sleepy head." Sonic moaned. Tails laughed and got up he looked at the hotel phone. He began pushing in numbers and answered it. "Yes hello can you guys send one of your people to---. Yes, yah exactly." Tails began naming off sizes of clothes. "Yep thanks." He hung up. "What was that?" Sonic asked sitting up in bed yawning. "I just ordered our clothes and for them to be dropped off to this room." "You can do that!? Cool." Sonic said astonished. "Well dah, I just did it." Tails smiled. Sonic rolled his eyes playfully. Tails loved this hedgehog more than anything. Tails heard the knock on the door. "Man, that was quick" he opened the bedroom door and their was a man holding the clothes. Tails tipped the man before closing the door. Tails opened the new packaging. "When was the last time you got new clothes?" Tails said happily giving Sonic something to where. Sonic looked at the outfit. It was expensive but he loved it. The shirt was so soft! Sonic began putting it on. Tails following Suit. They looked at the time. 10:38. The limo driver would be there any minute to pick them up for their job. Sonic walked over to Tails and picked him up, kissing him while doing so. Tails kissed Sonic back in a loving embrace that he hoped would never end. The love spreading between them through their lips. Tails pulled away looking into the green sea eyes. "Alright, one last mission, but you have to throw me a welcome home party." Tails said laughing. Sonic laughed too. He had beeter plans then a welcome home party...... Tails looked at his watch. " Time to go my lover." He said kissing Sonic on the cheek. "Only a couple more days and we will be free to do whatever we want." Sonic smiled. That's what he wanted to hear, exactly those words. Tails opened the bedroom door and, in a gentleman like manner, guided Sonic out the room. Tails grabbed a snack or two and some water. He then walked over to the elevator and pressed the button. He heard the gears pulling the heavy room up through the shaft. Tails blushed, remembering what had happened last night. God he had the time of his life! The elevator doors opened. He walked in, Sonic right behind him.  He pressed the the main floor, the doors closed and the room began ascending towards it's destination. Tails looked back at the hedgehog he loved so much. He got his one wish. He wouldn't be alone and he wouldn't be miserable. Sonic looked back at the fox and smiled. "What?" He said innocently. "Nothing." Tails said giggling. He wanted to get these last few days over with it. He wanted to spend the rest of his days with Sonic. And that's all he needed.

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