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Eggman picked up the emerald. "Trying To steal this were you?" Sonic looked around confused. What just happened. He looked over at Tails. Wait, Tails! Sonic didn't know what was going on. Was he dead? Tails looked over at the hedgehog. Sonic knew that look. "If you had one chance to change anything. Would you take it?" He thought to himself. "Wait!" Sonic said to Eggman. Eggman turned around. "What do you want you blue pain in my side?" Sonic smiled. "There is one thing you didn't call for Eggman...." Sonic smiled. "Oh, and what is that?" Eggman said now intrigued. "Time," Sonic said. He broke out of the grasp of the guards.  He ran towards Eggman. Tails broke free. "Fight your way out!" Sonic yelled. Blaze and Rouge broke free and began punching the guards in the face. Grace quickly began typing on the computer. Sonic jumped up and grabbed the emerald flipping down back upon his feet. "Sorry Egghead, but some things are just not meant to be." "Your right." Eggman pulled his gun out of his pocket.

Grace quickly typed unto the computer. Three-Tailed wonder
The program began to shut itself down. "Blaze watch out!"

Blaze glanced behind her slamming the butt of a guards gun into another guard's face. "Thanks, ,Grace! Rouge Here!" Blaze through the gun towards Rouge.

Rouge caught the gun and wrapped the strap around a guards neck pulling him around and slamming him into another guard. "Amy twelve o'clock!"

Amy looked around pointing her gun at the guard. He slammed her hand against the wall, making her drop the pistol. She slammed her knee into the guy's abdomen pushing him back before she kicked him right in the crotch. He fell to the ground, she slammed the final blow with her fist.

Tails watched this and smiled. He flew up to the missile and flipped open the panel pressing some buttons. "Okay, it's disabled!" He yelled cheerfully descending back to the ground.

Sonic looked at Eggman. His gun still in his hand. "You may have beat me today, but I'm not letting you get out of here alive," Eggman said with a grin. Sonic ran up and pushed Eggman to the ground. He drove his fist into the man's face. Eggman's gun went off. Sonic punched the doctors face again. "You were gonna kill millions of people for what! You selfish inconsiderate bastard!" "So-Sonic?" Tails said from the side. Sonic looked up. Tails had an expression of confusion over his face. He held his abdomen, his glove red with blood. "No, No!" Sonic yelled. Eggman threw the hedgehog off of him, before running towards an exit. "Blaze! Rouge! Eggman is getting away!" Grace yelled. Sonic ran towards the fox, time felt like it went in slow motion. The fox slumped up against the railing. Sonic ran up. "Tails no. I'm not losing you again." Tails smiled. "I know you could do it, that emerald did come in handy didn't it?" Sonic looked confused. "What? How did you-." Tails laughed. "I was just thinking I was a goner when I woke up caught in this same moment. I figured  I was the only one that would remember and that I could change what happened before. I guess me and you both remembered." Tails winced in pain. "I guess some fates can't change though." Sonic looked at the wound that was in the same spot as before. "Guess time doesn't like me." Tails laughed. "Can you walk?" Sonic said. "Yeah I think so." Sonic carefully helped hoist the fox up. "Ah!" Tails said holding his abdomen. "Nearest hospital is ten miles from here." Tails said stumbling. They made their way to the exit. "Grace we need to go!" Sonic yelled. She ran over and opened the door. They all began the long walk up the stairs. Tails's vision went blurry. "So-Sonic, I don't think I'm gonna make it." He said stumbling and falling down. Sonic picked him up bridal style. "I'm getting you to that hospital." Tails closed his eyes. "I love you Sonic." Tails could feel the hedgehogs heartbeat. The hedgehogs skin. The hedgehogs breathing. Tails fell into a deep endless sleep not sure what awaited him on the other side.....

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