New Aquantance

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Tails was thrown into the dark room. The only light cane from the window and illuminated the ground in a yellowish orange color. Tails got up and coughed from the dust. He walked up to the door and tried opening it. Locked. "Doesn't hurt to try." He sat down not far from the door and put his head up against the wall. He thought he heard something. He looked around. Something in the shadow's was moving. Tails panicked. Not sure what the creature could be. He watched as a blueish hand came out. "Are you Tails?" Tails looked at the woman's eyes. They were eyes similar to ones Tails knew. Tails nodded. "In the flesh." The woman came into full few. She was very scrauny. Maybe she had been in here a few weeks. Tails looked at the Woman she seemed so familiar to someone. Tails reached in his pocket and pulled out a beef jerky stick. "Here eat this. Your going to need the energy." The woman's eyes got big and she took the jerky gently. Like she had been given a million dollars. She ripped open the packet and began eating. "When was the last time they fed you?" Tails asked looking at the woman who scavanged every piece of the food. She looked up. "Two days." She continued to eat. This was torture. Tails couldn't believe this woman hadn't eaten in two whole days. That's not right. Tails scooted closer to the women and watched her finish the jerky. She looked at the two tailed fox. "Have you seen my son?" She said eargerly. "Your son ma'am?" Tails said thinking the woman might have just lost her mind a little bit. Tails listened as the slow wind pushed sand up against the side of the prison cell. It sounded like someone beating on the wall. The woman smiled. "Yes I heard you two were well aquanted." Tails looked into the Woman's eyes. Her Son? Tails thought hard. Those eyes those similar green eyes. Tails eyes got wide. He knew who she was talking about. "Wait are you talking about Sonic?" He said. She nodded. "Hi my name is Villeta. I'm Sonic's mom."

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