A lost Hero, A lost Lover

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(I thought the song above would go with the chapter...... Please feel free to listen to it while reading.... if you can.)

They all began walking inside. The sound of crying and weeping. The sound of stories being shared and exchanged. Sonic was up front sitting, staring at his love. The picture, just a memory of the fun past. Everyone began taking their seats. Silence. The place had been full to the brim. All of Mobius attended the lost fox. "We gather here today.....to remember a fox that not only saved lives but cared for everyone he saved. He touched all our lives in different ways..... including mine. He didn't just make friends in one branch of the military but all of them. May he rest with the angels of heaven because that is where he deserves to be."
"May we all rise in rememberance of this wonderful blessing upon Mobius."
Everyone stood. Their eyes looking towards the picture of Tails. Tears ran down the hedgehogs face. Silence. The silence was the most unbearable thing yet. Tails was on everyones mind.
"Tails wrote a letter for everyone, and he wanted a certain someone to read it......Sonic can you come up please. Sonic rose and went up to the stage. He opened the letter wanting it's contents.
Dear Friends,
Just because death has separated us doesn't mean I wont be in the hearts of all of you guys.....I was glad to share this experience of life with all of you. Especially my blue hedgehog. I was happy to meet all of you. You left imprints on me, which is what I hope I did for you as well. Now this letter may end but not my image. Don't think of me as dead but as alive and free. "The past is what we learn from, and let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile." May you all live a long prosperous life and I'll see you again some day soon.
Sincerely, Miles Tails Prower

Sonic looked at the bottom a slight note for himself. He noticed his tears had dampened the paper.

(Sonic I'm sorry that it seems all of this happened. I had a dream last night and it made me want to write this just in case the time came. I've loved the time we spent and I wish we could of more. I love you Sonic with all my heart and I hope to see you again one day.)

Sonic put the paper down. All of Mobius stared at him.
"This fox shall be remembered for centuries to come as one of the bravest, caring, and most beloved; soldier, friend, lover that Mobius has ever seen. May we all remember his sacrifice. For it should not die with him." Sonic stepped off the stage and walked out the doors. "Tails, I love you.....and I can't believe I lost you." Sonic walked down the steps. He stared along the horizon. Like Tails and him used to do. His phone went off. He looked at it. It was an unknown number. "Who is this?" Sonic asked.

"Ask that question again my lover

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"Ask that question again my lover..........."

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