A Moment to Late

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They arrived at the next stop, the last stop. Tails had been happy to spend all this time, especially with Sonic, but he knew he would have to go back to that dirty rotten cell where Eggman would beat him to do things and work him to death. Tails stared out the window looking at the occasional tree go by. Sonic looked over at the fox who seemed to be out of it. "Hey that skating was fun by the way." Tails looked over at Sonic and smiled. "Yah it was, it would be fun to do it again." Tails was thinking. He couldn't go back to Eggman. He wouldn't. He had to figure something out he had to......
Sonic looked ahead at the place they were arriving at. It was a little mini game place. "Greenville Mills." Tails looked at all the things. Boat racing. Gocart racing, mini golf, the list when on. Tails loved mini golf. He wondered if Sonic would like to join him..... Sonic looked at Tails. "Hey maybe we could play mini golf together or something. Sonic liked mini golf but it did require a ton of patience but he wanted to play with Tails and no one else. The buss came to a stop in front of the building. The bus began evacuating towards the place. Sonic rised with Tails doing the same behind him. They both followed the line ,once again, into Greenville Mills. There was arcade stuff everywhere and the best part is they had a whole hour in a half. Tails looked around at all the....... people. He hated being in crowds not because he was afraid of them or anything but because when he was in a crowd he stuck out like a sore thumb. Sonic walked over to the mini golf stand and got two golf balls and two putters. "Blue for me and let's say yellow for you." Sonic said laughing at the resemblance to their fur colors. Tails took the golf putter and laughed. "Let's see if your humor is as good as your mini golf skills." "Is that a challenge?" Sonic said raising an eyebrow and smiling. "Well no.....because I know I'm gonna win already." Tails walked towards the golf course doors leading outside laughing. Sonic followed. "Sly fox." They walked outside the breeze catching the foxs fur and blowing it like a majestic angel. Sonic's jaw droooed. "Damn was he hot." Sonic shook off what he said. He still didn't know if he liked Tails or not. Tails went first getting a hike in one on the first try. "Sorry I'm a little rusty." Tails said smirking. Sonic loved the sudden burst of happiness from the fox. Sonic did the same getting a hole in one as well. He coughed and brushed his shoulder laughing. They had gone through the hole course each stumbling from first place. They had 10 minutes left and they planned on finishing. "Last hole." Tails said with a smirk. "Tie game." He said looking at the pad of paper in his hand. He grabbed his putter and hit the ball making a hole in one. "Well I don't expect you to be as good as me...." Tails smirked getting a playful scold from Sonic. "Alright watch here kid." Sonic took his putter in his hand and hit the ball, getting a hole in one. He brushed off his shoulder in a mockery way. This made Tails laugh. They continued through the holes each of them keeping up with the other. They finnaly got to the last hole. Tails looked at his pad of paper. "Tie game." Tails said smiling. Tails grabbed his putter. He waited and then he hit the golf ball it flew down the hill and into the hole. A perfect hole in one. Tails turned around and looked at Sonic. "Hope you can catch up.....unless your to slow." Tails said in a mockery tone and laughing. Sonic went up to the spot with a smile he lifted up the putter and was just about to swing when then......."Sonic!" Someone said yelling. Sonic hit the ball startled, watching as it totally missed the hole. Tails looked down trying not to laugh. "I should tell him how I feel." Tails said to himself. Tails was just about to say something when Sonic looked behind him irritated. Amy was there. "So Sonic I thought since me and you are the most popular kids in school I thought we could go out!" Sonic looked at her dumbfounded. He never liked Amy. She should know that from all the hints he gives her. "Amy--." Sonic said about to tell her how he felt about it." "Awesome then! See you around Boyfriend!" Amy ran off skipping. Tails looked at the ground. "Damn it, why did I think this would ever work." Tails let a tear fall glistening in the sun. Sonic turned around annoyed by the pink hedgehog and looked at his saddened friend. "What's wrong Tails?" Sonic looked worriedly at the fox. Tails looked to the side. "I'm sorry.....I have to go." Tails began running. "Tails!? Tails!" Sonic said running not letting the fox get away from him. Sonic thought he was developing feelings for him. "Alright, time to go home now!" A teacher said outside. Students flooded the building reaching the busses. Tails fleeded into the crowd Sonic trying to follow. Sonic looked around for the yellow fox but couldn't find him. "Tails!" He yelled. He began getting pushed on the bus and before he knew it he was on the bus looking out the window. "Damn it." He said under his breath. "I need to find him." Sonic continued looking out the window. Where was Tails?

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