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Sonic continued to walk towards the way the man in the store directed him to. He could see the base camp in the distance. It's stuck out like a soar thumb. Just like the town did. He felt like someone was stalking him but everytime he looked behind him no one was there. He shrugged it off and continued. Tails was trapped somewhere inside that compound. Sonic hadn't really thought up a good plan yet. He knew he couldn't just walk up and be like, "Give me Tails." Sonic thought hard about what to do when something hit him in the back. It sent a little pain up his spine. He took his hand and plucked out whatever hit him. He rolled it around in his hand. A blow dart. "Wha--." He said his vision turning blurry. He stumbled and fell on the ground looking towards the sky. Something red came over. They took something out of their pocket and pressed some buttons. "Yes, I have the package....." Sonic was confused. The syrum began to work it's magic he could feel himself drifting. He had to stay awake and ask who this person was...he had to. The person put the phone back in their pocket. Sonic could feel himself being lifted up and thrown over a shoulder. Sonic tried staying awake. He.....had...The syrum finnaly met it's point. Sonic drifted off into a unwanted sleep.

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