The Good Talk

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Tails waited in front of the hotel in his  tuxedo. He had sent an agent to spy on the Mobian named Blue, but when he got news of what the Mobian looked like, he knew who it was. Sonic. Tails mind was racing. Why would Sonic want to speak with Tails? Had he been looking for him this while time? Did Sonic have feelings for him? Many questions surfaced in his mind. He didn't know if he should be upset or happy. He tried to bury his past behind him but the hedgehog wanted the job. He wasn't going to let the hedgehog influence him on his decision. He would hope he was just good enough for the job. Besides, no one else wanted it. He looked at his watch. He adjusted his bow so it looked trait. He still loved Sonic, he thought but he was afraid to admit it. He didn't want to get hurt like that again. No, he wouldn't let that happen. He noticed the vehicle in the distance. He smelled his breath. The good ole minty smell he loved so much. The vehicle pulled up beside him. The window slowly made it's way down. "Sarge." The man said smiling. "Henry! Whats life been like?" Henry had been his medical driver for his army division. He had retired at only thirty six. "The Air Force puts on age doesn't it?" Henry said laughing. "Well looks like being a medic might have added on a few years huh?" They both laughed. "Alright." He said chuckling. "That blue guy looked pretty nervous if you ask me." He said with an eyebrow raised. "Well he should be." Tails walked to the back door the front window closing quickly. He opened the door sticking one foot and a leg in. He made his way into the rest of the vehicle. He didn't make eye contact but he knew Sonic was staring intensively. Tails grabbed the champagne and the opened it. The vehicle began moving. He poured the champagne into the two cups. He shut it and walked over to Sonic handing him the drink. Sonic began to speak but Tails quickly put his hand up. "Sonic I don't know why your here but you want this job and I thought I would meet you." Tails sipped his drink. "Sonic I loved you and I know it wasn't your fault but I tried to forget about the whole thing. I was making money and I was alive."

Sonic looked at the fox and began tearing up, afraid that Tails didn't feel the same anymore.

"But." Tails said sighing. "I honestly couldn't get the idea out of my head that you might of liked me. Maybe that's what I've been holding on these past couple months......I will be honest with you, I still love you.....but I know you don't feel the same. So in conclusion, I just want to say congratulations on stealing my heart because you succeeded." Tails hadn't felt this much pain in a while and he let a tear fall. He had been bottling up his emotions for such a long time. Before he knew it he was crying like a big baby.

Sonic watched as Tails explained what he thought. Sonic had began to cry, he had almost thought that Tails was over him, but when Tails said those three powerful words, "I love you." Sonic's heart melted he was so relieved. When the fox began crying Sonic scootched over putting his arm around the love of his life. Sonic stroked the foxs fur. He knew it wasn't like Tails to keep things bottled up. It must've been hard on him. Sonic wispered into the fox's ear. "You know Tails this whole time I thought you would not have still loved me. I was afraid. I have been looking for you since the day you left, and I realized something when you left I just had to come to terms with my heart and soul.......I love you Tails." Tails crying stopped he looked up teary eyed. "How can I trust you?" Tails said. That hurt. Sonic was heart broken he reached down cupping the foxs face in his hands. "Because you can." Sonic kissed Tails, suprised by the sudden urge and warmth that filled his body. He loved it.

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