Relationships Tested

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Callie POV

I was heading over to Wyatt's house today. I had agreed to come but still wasn't sure what I was willing to do at this point. Part of me wanted to just do it, thinking in the back of my mind that this would seal off any chance of me going back to Brandon. I knocked on the door and Wyatt answered with a big smile on his face.

Callie- hey

Wyatt- hi, come in.

I came in and we sat on the couch.

Callie- so every ones gone huh?

Wyatt- yeah, just you and me.

I leaned in and kissed him, the kissing soon intensified.

Brandon POV

Lou came over to work on songs with me. We were trying to put something together to play this weekend. Lou pretty much put down every idea I threw out there until a minute later when she rephrased it and claimed it was her idea. I was happy to avoid an argument as long as we got the song finished. Sometimes I wondered why I had even joined the band, most of the time it was just stressful for me but I needed something to focus on, something to put my energy into.

Lou- you know we should sing this song as a duet.

Brandon- uh.. I don't know.

Lou- you said you sing.

Brandon- I said I sing a little, and I've never really sung for a crowd before.

Lou- so your just a shower soloist.

I thought to myself the only person I've ever really sung to was Callie, I thought that it would be a hard thing to do but it wasn't.. not once I was there looking into her beautiful eyes.

Lou- this would be something different, you have to do it!

Brandon- I don't have to do anything.

Lou- look, I know I've been giving you a hard time but you really know about music. 

Brandon- are you paying me a compliment?

Lou- oh come on, as if I'm never nice.

Brandon- I think that's the first nice thing you have said to me, you must really want this.

Lou- can you just yes so we can go back to normal.

Brandon- yes, but I kind of like this different you.

Callie POV

As me and Wyatt were kissing I really thought I could go through with this but then instantly my feelings changed. It felt wrong the second Wyatt started unbuttoning my shirt. I felt uncomfortable and knew if I did this today it would be for the wrong reasons.

Callie- can we just slow down for a minute?

Wyatt- whats wrong?

Callie- nothing I just.. I don't think I can do this.

Wyatt- oh.. okay.

Callie- I'm sorry.. I wanted to.

Wyatt- its fine.

Callie- I just.. I wanted to for you, but not for me.. not yet.

I headed home, as I made my way to the house I saw Brandon and Lou standing out front on the porch. I decided to hang back a moment and watch them. I saw Lou lean in and kiss Brandon, he didn't pull away. I was a short kiss but still a meaningful one. After Lou left Brandon went inside and I made my way to the house. When I saw them kiss I felt a large knot form in my stomach, it hurt to see Brandon move on.. even though I wanted him to be happy.

Brandon POV

I grabbed a water from the fridge and took a sip. Callie came in the kitchen and ignored me.

Brandon- hey

Callie- hi

Brandon- so how was your night?

Callie- boring.

Brandon- really?

Callie- yes really! what you don't believe me?

Brandon- I just noticed you missed a button.

I pointed to her shirt, she looked down and saw her top three buttons were in the wrong holes.

Brandon- you and Wyatt must have had fun!

Callie- you have some nerve questioning me when your making out with Lou for the whole neighborhood to see!

Brandon- what is your problem? your the one that told me to move on and the second I do you get all jealous.

Callie- I am not jealous! I'm just looking out for you.

Brandon- no your not, Callie.

Callie- I just don't think you understand how girls like that work.

Brandon- well I know exactly how you work. You don't want me but you you don't want me with anyone else either. This is the way you wanted things Callie, now you have to live with it!

Callie- this is never what I wanted!

Brandon- you said that door was closed!

Callie- well there shouldn't even be a door anymore! its been three months.. the door should be gone by now.

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