I Miss Her

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Brandon POV

I headed up the sidewalk to the house. It had been a long time since I had been here, It still looked the same to me. I stood at the front door and gently knocked, after a minute Callie opened the door.

Callie- hey, come in.

I entered the house and was surprised to see it was mostly empty. There was only a few pieces of furniture remained and the walls were bare.

Brandon- its practically empty in here.

Callie- yeah well I'm mostly moved into my apartment now so.. I haven't been here in awhile.

Brandon- right..

Callie- um.. the lawyer made a list of things we have to settle on before the divorce can go through, we can sit down in the kitchen.

Brandon- okay.

We sat at the table and started going over the list.

Callie- what about Brooke's college fund?

Brandon- I don't know..

Callie- I wouldn't feel right using the money but.. we can't just let it sit there, its almost five thousand..

Brandon- maybe we could.. donate it to a charity or something..

Callie- yeah.. that's a good idea.

Brandon- okay then.. I guess the last thing is the house.

Callie- I don't want it, Brandon.

Brandon- I guess we should just sell it..

Callie- yeah.. we can split the money.

Brandon- well I guess that's everything then.

Callie- I guess it is..

Brandon- and this is what you want?

Callie- yeah.. we both need to move on, a fresh start.

Callie POV

I came into the house and headed upstairs. I went to the end of the hallway and opened the door to Brooke's room. I had cleared out every room in the house, except this one. I had to pack things up so we could sell the house. I pulled out my phone and sent a text message to Brandon, after a few minutes he appeared at the door. 

Callie- thanks for coming.

Brandon- no problem.

We went upstairs to the room and stood in the doorway taking in the view for a moment. 

Callie- this has to be done so we can sell the house but.. I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

Brandon- we can do it together.

Brandon crossed the room and started packing things.

Callie- it feels wrong.. packing her things up on her birthday..

Brandon- I know.. but it has to be done.

Brandon picked up a little toy microphone.

Brandon- remember when she put on that concert for us?

Callie- yeah.. she got all dressed up and sang for us.

Brandon- and she wanted color in her hair like the real rock stars..

Callie- yeah and I told she couldn't color her hair so she smeared jelly in it to get the color.

We both laughed at the memory of our daughter. After we stopped laughing I felt a tear come to my eye. 

Callie- if you could do it all over again, would you? even if you knew she was gonna die?

Brandon- yeah.. I would, I would do everything better..

Callie- you were a good dad, Brandon.

Brandon- I didn't go to her dance recital.. I kept saying someday.. someday.

Brandon was trying to hold back from crying.

Callie- she knew how much you loved her..

I was crying now, I grabbed a tissue and wiped my eyes. 

Brandon- I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have..

Callie- no, don't apologize I.. I want to be able to talk about her and remember her without crying.. I just miss her so much.

Brandon came over and wrapped me in a hug.

Brandon- I miss her too.

After Brandon left I felt a rush of sickness come over me. I ran to the bathroom and vomited. This combined with the dizziness made me almost sure I had the flu that was going around. With everything going on I hadn't gotten a flu shot this year and I was working around dozens of kids everyday. I called the doctors office to see when they could fit me in for an appointment and was surprised to find out I could get in later today. I sat in the exam room waiting for the doctor to come back with my results. She finally came back after what seemed like an eternity.

Callie- so is it the flu?

Doctor- uh.. no, its not.

Callie- its nothing serious is it?

Doctor- Callie.. your pregnant.

Callie- that's impossible..

Doctor- the test is positive, your about two months along.

Callie- I can't.. I can't be pregnant.

Brandon POV

I sat in the kitchen at the house. Everyone was running around packing to go to the beach this afternoon. I just sat there, feeling completely depressed.

Lena- Brandon, why don't you come to the beach with us?

Brandon- I don't feel like it..

Lena- are you upset about Brooke?

Brandon- no.. well yeah its Brooke and its.. the fact that I just got my divorce papers in the mail.

Lena- I'm sorry..

Brandon- I guess its really over now.. we settled everything, there's nothing tying us together anymore.

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