Far From Here

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Callie POV

I couldn't believe Stef was standing in my doorway. We both stood there silent for a minute just soaking in the moment. I was afraid because I knew what her standing in my doorway meant but part of me was glad to see her, even though I was still hurt.

Stef- can I come in?

Callie- sure.

I moved aside and let her in.

Callie- how did you find us?

Stef- that's not important.

Callie- your lucky you came when Brandon wasn't home.. he probably wouldn't have let you in.

Stef- he wouldn't let his own mother in?

Callie- you really hurt him Stef.. kicking us out of the house like that..

Stef- I was upset too, I had a lot of hopes and dreams for both of you and to know you threw that all away..

Callie- okay maybe we were careless, but after I got pregnant we we're trying to take responsibility and do the right thing.

Stef- right for who! running away, that was right?

Callie- we we're doing what we thought we had too..

Brooke started crying from her crib. We stopped arguing and I crossed the room to pick her up and soothe her.

Stef- whats her name?

Callie- Brooke..

Stef- Callie you have to come back to San Diego..

Callie- I can't.. we can never go back.

Stef- your family is there.

Callie- no! this is my family now, Me and Brandon started our own family the day you turned your back on us. He loved me unconditionally when you couldn't.. and that's what a real family does.

Stef- what kind of life is this, running all the time.. this is no way to raise a child.

Callie- my child will be fine..

Stef- you can't hide forever, eventually someone will catch up with you.

Callie- I guess it all depends on how hard you look, huh?

Stef- what is that supposed to mean?

Callie- Its been nine months and your just now coming to look for us..

Stef- I have been searching for you ever since you left.. I never stopped, never.. We almost caught up to you guys once.. Lena and I went to Denver but.. you were gone before we could get to you.

Callie- Denver?

Stef- It was after that trip Lena said we should stop looking.. but I couldn't.

Callie- and Lena.. where is she now?

Stef- at home.. with the kids, I guess I should tell you.. we're separated.

Callie- what? that's impossible..

Stef- after you left it.. it created a rift between us, I guess she just couldn't forgive me for being the reason you left in the first place.

Callie- well your not getting a divorce or anything, are you?

Stef- I don't know.. I moved out to give her some space but..

Callie- I'm sorry.. 

Stef- me too.

Brandon POV

I rushed into the apartment, knowing after what Taylor told me we needed to pack and get away as soon as we could. I opened the door and saw Callie just sitting in a chair at the table straing blankly across the room.

Brandon- hey, we have to leave.. I'll explain later but people know we're here..

Callie- we arn't going anywhere..

Brandon- what?

Callie- we arn't going anywhere until we talk.

Brandon- about what?

Callie- Stef was here..

Brandon- what! she knows where we live?

Callie- we talked and I've come to a realization.

Brandon- you let her in!

Callie- we can't run anymore Brandon.

Brandon- we have too, we don't have a choice Callie.. you know that.

Callie- I don't know that.. we can go back to San Diego and make things right.

Brandon- what! Callie..

Callie- Stef said she'd help us..

Brandon- what has she been telling you! 

Callie- I don't want my baby growing up like this.. on the run, never having a place she can feel safe.

Brandon- it won't always be this bad, once we get far enough away they can't find..

Callie- I keep telling myself the same thing.. but Stef opened my eyes today.

Brandon- shes lying to you!

Callie- really.. I think your the only one that's been lying to me!

Brandon- what are you..

Callie- tell me Brandon.. what was the real reason we left Denver?

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