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Callie POV

The alarm clock went off, it was morning. I turned it off and rolled towards Brandon, I kissed his face.

Callie- Brandon.. wake up.

He rolled over and I got out of bed. As I crossed the room to get to the bathroom I stopped in front of the mirror for a minute. I rubbed my hands over my belly.

Brandon- what are you doing?

Callie- I am so.. big.

Brandon got out of bed and came over to me.

Brandon- your supposed to be big.. your pregnant.

Callie- thanks a lot.

Brandon- you still look beautiful though..

Callie- this is the first morning I haven't felt the baby kicking.

Brandon- enjoy it.. he's giving you the morning off.

Callie- yeah I guess so..

Brandon POV

I came into the apartment quietly, setting up my surprise. Callie was taking a nap on the bed. I bent down and gave her a kiss on the forehead, she woke up.

Callie- your back..

Brandon- yeah, I brought you a surprise.

Callie- really? what is it?

Brandon- come over here and I'll show you.

I helped Callie get up and showed her object covered with a sheet across the room. I pulled the sheet off and reveled a wooden crib.

Callie- a crib? where did you get this?

Brandon- the store..

Callie- no I mean, where did you get the money for this?

Brandon- I had some money left over after buying the crib so you can buy some baby clothes or..

Callie- oh my God.. you didn't do anything illegal to get the money for this..

Brandon- I sold my keyboard.

Callie- what? Brandon.. 

Brandon- don't freak out, I never use it anymore anyways..

Callie- and you never will if you don't even have it.

Brandon- Callie.. we needed a crib for the baby. I don't want my baby sleeping in a cardboard box or dresser drawer.

Callie- I just don't want you to give up piano, if you do your giving up a part of yourself.

Brandon- I promise someday.. I'll have a keyboard again and I'll play again, but right now its about priorities.. and this baby comes first.

Callie- okay, I just don't want you to ever give up on your music.. your way too talented.

Brandon- speaking of that.. I haven't seen you play guitar much lately either.

Callie- oh but I have a good reason for that.

Brandon- oh yeah whats that?

Callie- I can't fit the guitar over my belly anymore.

Callie POV

I sat propped up in bed with Brandon. He ran his hand along my belly.

Brandon- you know we need to start talking names.

Callie- yeah well.. we don't know if its a boy or a girl so..

Brandon- we can still think of some names, even if we arn't going to find out what the baby is until its born.

Callie- can we just talk about it later..

Brandon- Callie, whats wrong?

Callie- the baby hasn't kicked all day, I feel like something might be wrong.

Brandon- it hasn't moved all day?

Callie- no, what if somethings wrong? what if something was wrong all day and I just sat here and did nothing about it.

Brandon- maybe its just getting crowded in there, the baby's getting bigger everyday.

Callie- I want to go to the emergency room.

Brandon- okay, lets go.

We headed to the emergency room, it was late at night. When we got there they made us sit and wait for a long time and fill out paper work before we could see a doctor. Finally we were able to go back to an examine room.

Doctor- we'll do an ultrasound to see how your baby's doing.

Callie- do you think somethings wrong?

Doctor- well the baby definitely should still be moving at this stage, have you had any bleeding?

Callie- um.. I was spotting a little bit yesterday but.. the last time that happened they said it was normal so..

Doctor- lets just do the ultrasound and see what we're dealing with.

The doctor started to preform the ultrasound. I gripped Brandon's hand for comfort. Brandon whispered to me.

Brandon- it's okay.

Callie- what if its not.

We waited for a long time as the doctor moved the instrument along my stomach, searching for a heartbeat.

Callie- whats going on? where's the heartbeat? where is it..

Tears started to fill my eyes, Brandon came closer to comfort me.

Doctor- I can't find the heartbeat, I'm gonna go get another machine to check again.

Callie- Brandon..

I gripped his hand tighter, completely terrified at this point.

Brandon- just stay calm.

Callie- how can I stay calm! the baby..

The doctor came back with a different machine to check again.

Doctor- okay Callie, I know this is stressful but please try to relax.

I tried to stay calm as the doctor checked again. I was able to breathe again when I finally heard the heartbeat. 

Doctor- there it is.. a nice strong heartbeat.

Brandon- so everything's okay?

Doctor- the baby must have just been hiding.

Callie- thank God.

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