Finding A Home

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Brandon POV

I woke up the morning after we got married. I opened my eyes and saw Callie staring at me.

Callie- good morning.

Brandon- were you watching me sleep?

Callie- maybe.. why is that..

Brandon- creepy, yeah its creepy.

We both smiled and laughed.

Callie- so now that we made it to Denver..

Brandon- and got married.

Callie- whats the next step?

Brandon- I guess.. start looking for a job, then we can find an apartment.

Callie- I'm gonna look for a job too.

Brandon- look its not that we couldn't use the money but.. I don't want you doing to much.

Callie- I won't, I promise.

Brandon- okay, we should probably get up and start looking.

Callie- I think the jobs will still be there in a few hours, so we could just stay in bed awhile longer..

Brandon- you think so..

We started kissing and stayed in bed awhile longer.

Callie POV

It took a couple of weeks but we were both finally able to find jobs. I was a waitress at a local restaurant and Brandon had  got a job at a convenient store.  Its a good thing we finally found jobs too because we were becoming really desperate for money. As of now we had twenty dollars to our names and were about to be kicked out of the place we were staying because we couldn't pay. Our pay checks would come in a few days and I just prayed we would make it until then.

Brandon POV

A few months later we found an apartment. It was one room, small, and dirty. We fixed it up the best we could but it wasn't very good. When we talked to each other about the place we pretended it wasn't that bad but we both knew. I had sold my car to get us enough money to rent the apartment and get by for a little while. I came home from work one night and saw Callie sitting on the bed, writing.

Brandon- hey.

Callie- hey, how was work?

Brandon- oh.. really fun.

Callie- right.

Brandon- your writing another letter?

Callie- don't start.

Brandon- I just see how upset you get when you write them, why do that to yourself?

Callie- I feel worse when I don't write them okay, its bad enough I can't put a return address on them.. that I can never hear anything back.

Brandon- you don't even know if hes getting them or not.

Callie- just please don't! writing letters to Jude is all I can do, its all I have to let him know I still care. I don't want him to think that.. I just walked out on him.

Brandon- he wouldn't think that.

Callie- yeah well I think that, I have taken care of him everyday of my entire life and I just left him, how could I do that?

Brandon- Callie.. hes fine, hes safe with the family. You know that.

Callie- just forget it I.. I don't wanna talk about it anymore.

Brandon- okay.

Callie- I um.. have a doctors appointment next week, for an ultrasound and I thought you might want to come.

Brandon- I can't.. I have work.

Callie- can't you just leave early or something..

Brandon- I can't I've only been working there for a few weeks.

Callie- okay, fine.

Brandon- Callie..

Callie- no, its okay. I get it.

She got up and walked over to the window. I could tell she was hurt, she stood in front of the window and just looked out not saying a word. I went over and stood behind her wrapping my arms around her.

Brandon- you know I wish I could come.

Callie- I know, I'm sorry its just been a rough day.

Brandon- did something happen?

Callie- Jude's birthday is in two days, he's turning fourteen and I won't be there to see it.

Brandon- I'm sorry.

Callie- its not your fault.

Brandon- I'm the one that made you leave..

Callie- come on.. we both know nobody can make me do anything I don't wanna do.

Brandon- yeah.. I had no idea this was gonna be so hard.

Callie- me either, but we'll get through it.. together.

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