Any Other Way

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Like everything in life, all things must come to an end. After everything I've written I feel as though my story has finally reached a completeness, therefore this will be the final chapter in You Found Me. I really hope you have all enjoyed reading along to this story because I have truly put my entire heart and soul into it. I plan to take some time off from writing and return later on with a new story. Thank you so much for reading!

Fast forward 7 months into the future.

Callie POV

Sun was starting to come through the window as me and Brandon laid in bed together. It was morning already, luckily the room was stil quiet. I rolled over and cuddled up next to Brandon.

Brandon- good morning..

Callie- morning..

Brandon- we better get up or we're gonna be late for work.

Callie- no just a few more minutes..

Brandon- okay..

We laid in silence for a few minutes until we heard the baby start crying.

Callie- its sounds like someone else is up.

Brandon- it was nice while it lasted.

I got up out of bed and made my way over to the crib. I reached down and picked up the baby, bringing him back to the bed. I handed the baby to Brandon as he sat up in bed.

Brandon- he didn't let us sleep much last night.

Callie- I forgot what it was like to have newborn again.

Brandon- yeah.. he's perfect though..

Callie- hes your son.

I leaned in and we shared a kiss.

Callie- I love you so much..

Brandon- I love you too.

Callie- this past year has been..

Brandon- its been rough.. but we got through it. Together like we always do and now.. we're a family again.

Callie- Brooke would have been so happy to be a big sister.. and we'll always have two kids.

Brandon- yeah.. always.

Callie- and we'll always have each other.

I looked down at the baby and then back to Brandon.

Callie- I guess we're stuck with each other.

Brandon- I would'nt want it any other way.

We sat in bed playing with the baby for awhile longer. I couldn't believe everything that had happened. To think back at where we started, just two scared kids trying to take care of a baby. We had gone through so much loss but now we had a baby boy and many years of joy to look forward too. Brandon and I had made it, we had found each other again.

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