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Brandon POV

I was feeding Brooke a bottle as everyone else rushed around the kitchen. It had been almost two weeks since Callie had been sent to Juvie. I couldn't understand how everyone else could just eat breakfast and get ready for school like nothing had changed. 

Lena- Brandon.. we we're talking and we think its time you went back to school.

Brandon- no.

Stef- Brandon your already behind, you have to go back sometime..

Brandon- no I don't, I'll get my GED eventually but I'm not going back to high school.

Stef- you don't get a choice in this Brandon.

Lena- Stef! lets just talk about it later, okay.. we're going to be late.

Lena was trying to avoid another fight between us. Everyone rushed out the door to school and work well I started a job search. The sooner I found a job the sooner I could get out of this house and away from these people that were supposed to be my family.

Callie POV

The prison guard summoned me into a room where my probation officer was waiting for me. I entered and took a seat. This was my third probation officer, I got a new one every time I was sent back to Juvie. 

Probation Officer- do you know why your in here Callie?

Callie- I ran away.

Probation Officer- its not the first time, is it?

Callie- no.

Probation Officer- you know if you don't get your life together soon, your gonna run out of chances. The judge might decide to lock you up and keep you here for a very long time.

Callie- I know..

Probation Officer- do you? really..

Callie- how long do I have to be here?

Probation Officer- I don't know.. but wherever they send you after you get out, its gonna be awhile before you can be trusted to go home.

Callie- I'm not gonna run away again.. I have a daughter that I have to take care of now.

Brandon POV

I came in the front door and headed for the stairs.

Stef- Brandon!

I turned and saw Stef and Lena sitting in the living room, I went in to join them.

Brandon- is Brooke okay?

Stef- yes, shes fine she went right to sleep.

Brandon- thanks for watching her.

Lena- we we're happy to do it.

I started to leave the room.

Lena- aw.. Brandon, can we talk for a minute?

Brandon- if its about going back to school again, you should know I found a job today so..

Stef- its not about that.

Lena- we heard from Callie's probation officer today.

Brandon- and?

Stef- she gets out tomorrow.

Brandon- well that's great she gets to come home..

Lena- Callie dosen't have to stay in Juvie but.. she can't come home.

Brandon- why not?

Stef- they are sending her to a group home for some counseling.

Brandon- but after that she gets to come home.. right?

Lena- Brandon, with everything that's happened.. the circumstances..

Stef- they arn't going to let us be Callie's foster parents anymore.

Brandon- what! they can't do that.

Lena- yes they can.. and they are.

Brandon- how can they do that? 

Stef- Brandon Child Protective Services know everything now, about you and Callie, and your relationship. They won't let her come back into a home where she had a relationship with her foster brother that.. resulted into a child.

Lena- we did everything we could but..

Brandon- where is she gonna go.. no other foster home will ever take her in.

Callie POV

I found myself once again in a familiar place, back at the Girls United group home. I couldn't believe I was back here again, I never thought I would be. The last time I was here things were so different, I was different. Never the less I had to admit the reason I ended up here was the same as last time, I had a forbidden relationship with my foster brother and ran away. I had completely backtracked all the progress I had made. My probation Officer lead me up the front porch to the front door. I felt a large knot in my stomach that grew with every step closer to the house. Before we could even knock the door opened and I saw a familiar face.

Rita- Callie.. I have to say I'm not happy to see you here.

Callie- same here.

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