We Can Do Anything

708 41 11

Callie POV

It was getting harder to breathe. Brandon was roaming around the space, looking for some way out of this. As he was moving around I saw a large gash on Brandon's left leg.  

Callie- your leg..

Brandon- what?

Callie- your bleeding.

Brandon- yeah..

Callie- come here, we have to try and stop the bleeding.

Brandon sat down and stretched his leg out, I went over to him and ripped a sleeve of my jacket off to make a bandage. 

Callie- this is a pretty bad.

Brandon- it's just a cut..

Callie- it's more than that.

I wrapped the bandage around his leg and tightened it, he flinched a little at the pain.

Brandon- I can't believe this happened..

Callie- I know.. as if we haven't been through enough already.

Brandon- yeah we've had some bad times.. but also some really good times.

Callie- yeah, when Brooke was alive.

Brandon- you know shes kind of the reason we got back together.

Callie- yeah, she was..

Brandon- but she wasn't the reason we stayed together all those years, things were really good..

Callie- I think they could be good again.

Brandon- then whats stopping you? 

Callie- fear..

Brandon- fear of what?

Callie- of everything falling apart again.

Brandon- that's not gonna happen this time.

Callie- do you think we could do it? do you think we could.. be a family again?

Brandon- I think if we can get out of here alive.. we can do anything.

We suddenly were snapped out of our moment when we heard the loud rumbling noises again. 

Callie- Brandon..

Brandon- get down.

The ceiling started crashing in on us once again, Brandon pushed me to the ground. I screamed out as we waited for the second explosion to pass. After a few minutes all became quiet again. We slowly lifted out selves up, brushing off the debris that covered us. 

Brandon- you okay?

Callie- yeah, you?

Brandon- fine.

I looked over and saw a small bit of light pouring through a spot on the wall. 

Callie- Brandon, look!

The second explosion had formed an opening, Brandon dug at the spot and reveled an even larger opening to the outside. Brandon looked back smiling at me, he reached his hand out.

Brandon- come on, we're getting out of here.

Stef POV

We rushed through the hospital doors, seeking some kind of answers. I went to the front desk.

Stef- excuse me, my son and his wife were just brought in here.. we need to see them.

Nurse- what are their names?

Lena- Foster, Brandon and Callie Foster.

Doctor- excuse me, I'm the doctor that treated them. I can take you too them.

We followed the doctor down a hallway.

Stef- how are they doing?

Doctor- very well considering, I want them to stay a few days but it looks like they will make a full recovery.

Lena- that's great.. so they're really okay?

Doctor- better than okay I think.. they demanded the nurse push their hospital beds together so they could hold hands.

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