Now Or Never

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Callie POV

I waited outside the store for Brandon. He had been in there for a long time and a I swear I was just as nervous as he probably was right now. I finally saw him coming out of the building and walking towards me.

Callie- hey, how did it go?

Brandon- I didn't get the job.

Callie- I'm sorry.

Brandon- I'm the one that's sorry.

Callie- you'll find something.

I kissed and hugged him.

Brandon- I hope so.

Brandon POV

Later that night I went over to the house. I knew mom worked late on Wednesday's and Lena would probably be the only one home. I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer.

Lena- Brandon.. come in.

I entered the house.

Lena- you don't have to knock, you know?

Brandon- I wasn't sure if I was welcome or not.

Lena- of course you are, this is your home.

Brandon- I just came to get the rest of our stuff.

Lena- are you guys okay? is Callie okay? the baby..

Brandon- yeah everything's fine.

Lena- good, if you need money or anything..

Brandon- look um.. I didn't just come by to get the stuff I.. I wanted to know if your going to tell Callie's probation officer about her leaving the house.

Lena- we would never do that, but we can't keep it a secret much longer. A social worker interviews Callie every month, she'll be coming next week and when she finds that Callie's not here..

Brandon- Callie will get in a lot of trouble.

Lena- yeah.. I've been trying to talk your mom into letting you and Callie come back home. Just give me a little more time and I'll try to convince her.

Brandon- and if you can't convince her.. Callie could go back to juvy.

Callie POV

I laid out on the bed flipping through a magazine. I was a parenting magazine, it amazed me how many things about babies I didn't know. I looked around the motel room, it was not the best place to stay. I hoped we could move somewhere else before the baby comes or even better move back home again. Brandon came in.

Callie- hey do you know the the baby is the size of a walnut right now?

Brandon- how do you know that?

Callie- read it in this magazine I got at the clinic.

Brandon sat on the bed next to me.

Callie- where were you?

Brandon- I went to get the rest of our things from the house.

Callie- oh.. did you see your mom?

Brandon- I saw Lena, she says shes working on convincing mom to let us come back.

Callie- maybe she will.

Brandon- maybe.. or maybe we should start over somewhere else.

Callie- what do you mean?

Brandon- we've both been avoiding this Callie, but we both know its only a matter of time before social services finds out your not living at home anymore.

Callie- I know.

Brandon- what is really keeping us here, maybe somewhere else I can find a job.

Callie- our family is here.

Brandon- a family that wants nothing to do with us.

Callie- they don't all feel that way.

Brandon- if we don't go now we may never get the chance. If we leave tomorrow we'll have at least a four day head start before people start looking for us.

Callie- I've run away before Brandon.. I don't like it.

Brandon- I know but.. this time it will be different, we'll have each other.

Callie- I just wish there was some other way.

Brandon- me too. Look it's your call but it's now or never Callie.

We left the next morning, packed everything in Brandon's car and started driving. We didn't even know where we were going, we told no one of our plans or what direction we were headed. Little did we know that Lena had finally gotten through to Stef that night before. They arrived at our motel door shortly after we had hit the road to apologize and ask us to come home. All they had found instead was an empty room and the maid cleaning it.

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