What Wasn't Said

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This will be the last chapter of the story for a little while. I'm going away on vacation the last weeks of August so I won't be updating again until September 1st. Check tomorrow on my Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/fostersbrallie), I will be posting a promo for whats next to come in the story. 

Brandon POV

The Police Officer drove me to the emergency room. I pried at him for answers the entire ride there but he wouldn't say much. When we got there another Police Officer met us at the door.

Officer- Mr. Foster.

Brandon- can you please tell me whats going on.. nobody will tell me..

Officer- it was a head on collision with another car.. once they hit the car rolled and..

Brandon- oh my God.. how could this happen?

Officer- that's what we're trying to figure out, is your wife on any medications? could she have been drinking?

Brandon- what! no.. no Callie would never drink and drive.

A doctor came over to us.

Doctor- excuse me, Mr. Foster.. is your wife allergic to anything?

Brandon- no.. where is she? is she okay?

Doctor- we need your permission to give her a sedative, it will help her relax and put her to sleep for a little while..

Brandon- okay.. but shes gonna be okay, right?

Doctor- we have to run some more tests.. check for internal bleeding..

Brandon- what about Brooke.. no one has said anything about my daughter.

Callie POV

I was dreaming. Brooke is on stage dancing in her ballerina outfit. I'm sitting in the audience watching her, we are the only ones in the auditorium. She is smiling and laughing as she dances around the stage, I smile as I watch her go through her routine. Then suddenly she stops dancing and drops to the ground, I get up from my seat. I hear her calling out "Mommy!" I start running towards the stage, when I finally get to the stage she isn't there. The stage is empty, she isn't in the spot where she fell, the necklace I gave her lays there instead. I pick it up and the dream ends. As I slowly open my eyes I see I'm in a hospital bed. Brandon is across the room, he sees that I'm awake and comes over to me. As he looks down at me I see tears in his eyes.

Callie- what happened?

Brandon- your in the hospital.. there was a car accident.

I thought about it for a minute and then I remembered. We were getting ice cream, I was driving home.

Callie- oh.. I remember.. Brooke was with me.

He nodded but didn't say anything.

Callie- where is she? how is my baby?

Brandon- she..

He could barely look at me, I saw tears coming to his eyes again. 

Callie- where is she? Brandon!

Brandon- she.. she didn't..

Callie- no! no.. please no..

I started crying, Brandon buried his face in my shoulder and held me. 

Callie- no! where is my baby! I need to find her.. 

Brandon held me tighter as I screamed out in between crying. Brandon didn't have to finish telling me, I knew. My dream wasn't a dream, it was real. Brooke was gone.

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