Glad You Came

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Brandon POV

I was about to get off the plane, on my way home to San Diego. It had been a few months since I'd been here. After Callie told me she wanted a divorce I got a job offer. Realizing I wouldn't be able to save my marriage I took the job and moved to New York. I was only coming back now to settle the divorce with Callie. I got off the plane and saw Mom waiting for me right away. I headed over to her and we shared a hug.

Stef- aw.. I'm so glad your home.

Brandon- good to see you Mom.

Stef- come on, lets go home.. everyone's excited to see you again.

Brandon- not everyone..

Stef- have you spoken to Callie?

Brandon- not really.. have you?

Stef- not much, Lena and I check in every so often but.. she mostly keeps to herself.

Brandon- well I'm sure she'll be happier once the divorce goes through.

Stef- I'm not so sure about that.

Brandon- well she wasn't happy with me anymore, after Brooke.. everything just went downhill.

Callie POV

Callie- okay, smile really big.

I snapped pictures of the little girl in front of me. In the past couple months I had thrown myself into work and expanded my photography business to a larger building. Brandon told me about the job offer he got a few days after I had asked for a divorce. He told me he would stay if I wanted him too but I told him it was too good of an offer to refuse. 

Callie- okay, we got some great shots.. I'll call you when the prints are ready.

The little girl left with her mother. I slipped back behind the counter and started looking through the photos I had just taken. The little girl had brown hair and green eyes, just like Brooke. I slid my hand below the counter and pulled out a picture of Brooke I had stowed away there. 

Contractor- Callie.

Callie- hey, hows it going?

Contractor- we found some more problems in the building.

Callie- what now?

Contractor- we might have a potential methane leak in the building.

Callie- methane?

Contractor- the new building is adjacent to a landfill which puts it at risk for a possible leak.

Callie- but you don't know for sure yet?

Contractor- we have to test it to be sure.. but we can't run the test until after the weekend, until we make sure its safe you need clear out the building.

Callie- I've got tons of work that needs to be done, I..

Contractor- its not safe for anyone to be in here until we know for sure if its methane.

Callie- how dangerous is it?

Contractor- if not taken care of it can build up and eventually cause an explosion.

Callie- okay.. I'll tell everyone they have the weekend off.

I started packing folders in my bag to take home when I started to feel a little dizzy. It passed after a minute and I started to head for the door when I felt the dizziness come over me again. I dropped my bag on the floor and all the papers fell out of it.

Brandon- hey, you okay?

Callie- yeah.. I was just being clumsy..

Brandon- here let me help you.

We both scrambled on the floor picking up the papers. 

Callie- what are you doing here?

Brandon- you said we needed to settle the divorce.

Callie- we could have done it over the phone, you didn't have to come all the way from New York..

Brandon- I wanted to come.

Still on the floor picking up papers, our eyes met for a minute. I felt nervous being close to him like this again, I still felt that connection between us but didn't think we could ever really be together again. We broke eye contact as I took the papers from him, we stood up.

Callie- so how is New York?

Brandon- great.. the job keeps me busy..

Callie- good, I'm happy for you.

Brandon- what about you?

Callie- what about me?

Brandon- well look at this place, your business is really taking off, huh?

Callie- yeah.. its going well.

Brandon- look.. the divorce wasn't the only reason I came back, you know what tomorrow is..

Callie- Brooke's birthday.. she would have been six.

Brandon- yeah..

Callie- you can come over to the house tonight, we can go over the divorce papers.. if that works for you?

Brandon- yeah, that's fine.. I'll see you then.

Callie- okay.

Brandon turned and started to leave the building.

Callie- Brandon!

He stopped and turned back to me.

Callie- I'm glad you came.

Brandon- me too.

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