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Brandon POV

Callie and I had planned to meet this morning and sign the divorce papers in person. I was catching a flight back to New York later today. I got to the lawyers office a few minutes early and took a seat to wait for Callie. As I sat there my mind kept going back to Brooke, I took out my wallet and pulled out a picture of her. It was one of the last photos we had taken, I flipped the picture over and saw Callie's picture taped on the other side. I slowly pulled Callie's photo off the back. I heard someone coming in the room and quickly shoved the photo in my pocket.

Callie- hi.

Brandon- hey..

Callie- well um.. lets get this over with.

The lawyer placed the papers on the table and handed me a pen. I took one last look at Callie, we stared at each other as I was giving her one last chance to stop this. She didn't waver though and after realizing that this is what she really wanted, I signed the papers. I passed the pen to her and she signed as well. That was it, our entire marriage over in just a few seconds. After we finished signing Callie made a quick exit from the building, I followed her out. I finally caught up to her as we made it to the parking lot.

Brandon- Callie!

Callie- what!

Brandon- I.. I'm leaving later today, going back to New York.

Callie- okay..

Brandon- I just wanted to say goodbye.. and if you ever need anything, just call me.

Callie- its not your job to worry about me anymore.

Brandon- I know.. but that dosen't mean I don't care.

Callie- I have to go.

Brandon- are you alright?

Callie- I'm fine.

Brandon- your not fine, your upset.. whats going on?

Callie- nothing!

Brandon- your lying to me, there's something your not telling me.

Callie- your overreacting..

Brandon- Callie, this is me your talking too.. I can tell when something is wrong..

Callie- okay, there is something.. something I wasn't even sure if I was gonna tell you about but.. I guess you have a right to know.

Brandon- what? is it about the divorce?

Callie- Brandon.. I'm.. I'm pregnant.

Brandon- what?

Callie- I just found out yesterday.. this dosen't change anything between us.

Brandon- how can you say that? of course it changes things!

Callie- not for me it dosen't.. we're still getting a divorce, I'm staying here and.. your going back to New York.

Brandon- what about the baby? I mean it is my baby, right?

Callie- yes! how could you even ask me that!

Brandon- Its been months! I don't know who you've been with!

Callie- see this is what I'm talking about! we can't raise another child together.. we can't even get through a conversation without fighting.

Brandon- I can't just go back to New York knowing this..

Callie- you have too..

Brandon- what are you gonna do then, your gonna raise this baby on your own..

Callie- I don't know.. I'll figure it out.

Callie POV

I drove into the parking lot at my photography business. I needed some papers to get some work done. I figured throwing myself into my job would help me forget about my problems for a little while at least. When I got to the door I saw the sign on the front about it not being safe for entry, I had forgot they couldn't run the test until Monday morning. I put my key in the door and went in, I went to my desk and started pulling the files I needed. I heard someone coming in the door and saw it was Brandon. He must have followed me from the lawyers office.

Callie- what are you doing here?

Brandon- we have to talk about this.

Callie- we did talk.

Brandon- I'm not going back to New York..

Callie- Brandon..

Brandon- even if we arn't together.. I want to be a part of my child's life.

Callie- Brandon, our lives are such a mess.. we are in no shape to be parents.

Brandon- are you saying your not gonna have the baby?

Callie- I don't know, but I do know we can't do this.. not together.

Brandon- nothing I say is gonna change your mind..

We heard a loud creaking sound.

Brandon- what was that?

Callie- I don't know.. 

Suddenly the walls started crashing down and fire exploded into room. I fell to the ground as debris fell on top of me, I went unconscious after that and saw nothing but black.

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