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Brandon POV

I straightened my tie and headed downstairs as I heard the door bell ring. I opened the door and let mom and Lena in. They were coming to pick us up for the funeral today. They both entered giving me a hug and reassuring looks.

Lena- how are you doing?

Brandon- okay..

Stef- is Callie still getting ready?

Brandon- she says shes not going.

Stef- but.. she has too.

Lena- Stef, we can't force her.

Stef- Brandon, you have to talk to her.

Brandon- I have talked to her.. she dosen't listen to me anymore.

Callie POV

I sat on the bed in our room. I reached up to my neck and touched my necklace. I thought I could go, I had planned on going. I got up and got dressed in black but now that it was time, I couldn't go. There was a constant pain inside of me now, my heart ached and I felt empty inside.

Lena- Callie..

I looked up and saw Lena coming in, she came and sat beside me on the edge of the bed.

Lena- Brandon said you didn't want to go to the funeral.

Callie- I can't..

Lena- we'll be there with you.. we'll help you get through this day, you don't have to face it alone.

Callie- Lena, its not that I don't want to go I.. I just can't.. I can't bury my baby.

Lena- Callie.. Brooke was taken from you in.. a horrible tragic accident, going to the funeral isn't going to change that.

Callie- I never even got to say goodbye to her..

Lena- today's your chance, you can say goodbye to her today.. I know she'll be there to hear it.

After the funeral Brandon and I returned home. Stef and Lena offered to stay for awhile and make sure we were okay but we assured them we were okay and to go home. I came inside taking off my heals and taking a seat on the couch.

Brandon- are you okay?

Callie- yeah.. are you?

Brandon- I'm gonna go get changed out of these clothes..

Callie- okay.

Brandon left and went upstairs. I sat on the couch for a minute and notice a photo album on the coffee table. I picked it up and started flipping through pictures of Brooke. She was so beautiful, she looked beautiful today too. They had really cleaned her and made her look nice after the accident, lying in the casket today she just looked as though she was sleeping. I flashed back to at the hospital, after the accident.


Brandon and I sat in an office at the hospital. The doctor sat at his desk to talk to us about our daughter. Brandon reached over and grabbed my hand.

Doctor- I'm so sorry for your loss, do you have any questions for me?

Callie- I wanna see her.

Doctor- excuse me?

Callie- I want to see my daughter.

Brandon- Callie..

Doctor- I don't think that's a good idea..

Callie- shes my daughter! I wanna see my daughter!

Doctor- I'd advise against it..

Callie- I don't care what you advise! I have a right to see my daughter.

Brandon- Callie, she was beaten up pretty badly in the crash.. shes not gonna look the same.

Callie- I know.. I wanna see her, no matter what shape she is in.

The doctor lead us into a room, She was lying on a bed with a sheet covering her face. The doctor moved ahead of us and gently lifted the sheet from her face. When Brandon sees her he covers his hand over his mouth and flees the room. It was my little girl, the same face and hair but now her face was full of cuts and her hair matted with blood and dirt. She dosen't move, I run my hand on her face.

Callie- I'm sorry baby.. I'm so sorry.

Flashback Ends

Brandon POV

I come back downstairs and see Callie on the sofa flipping through a photo album. I sat on the couch next to her.

Brandon- what are you doing?

Callie- she looked pretty today.. didn't she?

Brandon- yeah.. she did.

Callie- better than she did in the hospital..

Brandon- I don't wanna talk about this.

Callie- I'm just saying the way they made her look its as if she just died in her sleep..

Brandon- whats wrong with that?

Callie- that's not the way she died.. she died with cuts and marks on her face, blood on her ballerina outfit.

Brandon- it dosen't matter how she died.. shes gone.

Callie- it matters to me! 

Brandon- well I'm not gonna remember her like that.. I'm gonna remember her the way she was.

Callie- what is wrong with me?

Brandon- your grieving.. we both are.

Callie- that's not what I'm talking about.. that night, driving home..

Brandon- it was an accident, Callie.

Callie- of course you would say that.. your a good husband so of course you would say it was an accident.

Brandon- it was.. I don't blame you for what happened.

Callie- you should blame me! I blame myself! I picked up the phone instead of keeping our daughter safe, I killed her!

Brandon- no! don't say that!

Callie- I did! I killed her and I hate myself for it and.. you should hate me too.

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