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Callie POV

Doctor- okay Callie, I'm just gonna put a little of this gel on your stomach and then we can take a look at your baby.

I was at the doctors office getting my first ultrasound. I was more nervous than I thought I would be, I wish Brandon could have come with me today.

Doctor- okay.. an there's the heartbeat.

I heard a little thumping sound.

Callie- that's the baby's heartbeat?

Doctor- yeah.

The second I heard the heart beating I was completely taken off guard. It was not what I expected at all. I wish Brandon was here to listen too I know he would have thought it was just as incredible as I did.

Callie- is it supposed to be that fast?

Doctor- yep, that's a normal heartbeat.

Callie- wow.. that's so cool.

Doctor- take a look over here at the monitor.

I looked at the screen and saw an unrecognizable figure.

Doctor- you can't see much yet but.. that's your baby.

Callie- so the baby's.. good right?

Doctor- yep, everything looks normal.. I would say you have a very healthy baby inside of you.

Brandon POV

I carefully read a sign on the bulletin board at work, It was an ad for a job. My manager rushed through the front door and accidentally bumped into me.

Manager- oh.. Brandon, I'm sorry.

Brandon- don't worry about it.

Manager- well I would hate to injure you, you've done a great job since you started working here.

Brandon- thanks, I've been trying.

Manager- well keep up the good work.

He started to walk away but I stopped him.

Brandon- um.. actually I saw your sign on the bulletin board.. is that job still available?

Manager- you already have a job.

Brandon- I know but I could really use another one.

Manager- you wanna work two jobs?

Brandon- I could just use some extra cash right now.. and the other job would be at night so there wouldn't be a conflict.

Manager- okay.. I'll see what I can do.

Callie POV

I was mixing a pot of soup on the stove when Brandon came in from work.

Callie- hey.

Brandon- hey.

He took his jacket off and came over to me. I stopped mixing and gave him a quick kiss.

Callie- welcome home.

Brandon- what are you making?

Callie- soup.. it was on sale at the grocery store so..

Brandon- its kind of cold in here.

Callie- yeah.. the heaters only working on and off. I called the landlord but he said they fix it till the end of the week.

Brandon- great.

Callie- sit down, I'll get you a bowl.

It felt weird saying that "sit down". there wasn't any place to really sit in the apartment besides the bed. We were lacking a kitchen table.

Brandon- you know I'm not really hungry, I think I'm just gonna get a shower and go to bed early.

Callie- oh wait, I wanna show you something.

I handed him a picture of the baby from my ultrasound appointment.

Brandon- that's the baby?

Callie- yeah.

Brandon- I can't believe it.. its amazing.

Callie- are you okay? you look really tired.

Brandon- yeah I'm fine.. its just been a long day. I love you.

Callie- I love you too.

Brandon- I'm gonna go get a shower now.

Brandon left the room. He looked more tired than usual, something seemed a little off. I tried not to worry to much and hoped all he needed was a good nights sleep. I touched my hands to my belly. I was over four months along now and showing.

Callie- hey baby.. I'm worried about your daddy.

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