Never Stop

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Brandon POV

I headed into work and clocked in when I saw one of my coworkers coming towards me. Josh looked completely frantic.

Josh- man.. you have to get out of here.

Brandon- what are you talking about?

Josh- they were here looking for you.

Brandon- who? who was looking for me?

Josh- it was two women, they came in and showed me your picture when I was working earlier.

Brandon- what did they say?

Josh- not much, they just said you ran away.. I didn't tell them you work here.

Brandon- look we had to leave because..

Josh- you don't have to explain anything to me, but they are still looking in town. You need to go get your girl and get out of here as soon as you can. I'll tell the manager you called in sick so you have time.

Brandon- thank you so much, I really appreciate this.

Callie POV

I was making the bed, Brandon had already left for work. The baby was kicking a lot this morning and making me crazy.

Callie- just quiet down in there baby.. I don't know why you are so worked up today.

Brandon came back through the door.

Callie- what are you doing home? 

Brandon- um.. I quit my job.

Callie- what? why would you do that?

Brandon- I got a job offer, a better one.

Callie- that's great..

Brandon- the thing is.. its in North Carolina.

Callie- North Carolina! that's so far away from here..

Brandon- I know but.. I don't have a job here anymore so..

Callie- well when should we leave.. this weekend?

Brandon- I was thinking more like today..

Callie- today!

Brandon- yeah there's a bus leaving this afternoon, we can get tickets.

Callie- are you sure about this job? I mean is it really worth leaing everything here?

Brandon- just trust me.. I'm doing this for us.

Brandon POV

We packed our bags and got on the afternoon bus. I was nervous the entire time thinking maybe we would be spotted on our way out of town. I felt better once we were actually seated on the bus, I knew I would feel the real relief when the bus started moving. I know I should have told Callie the real reason we were leaving but I didn't want her to worry or panic thinking we might be found. There was no new job waiting for me in North Carolina, we would have to start over again. If they didn't stop looking for us we may never be able to settle down and have a normal life. 

Callie- are you okay?

Brandon- fine.. 

Callie- you seemed kind of anxious.

Brandon- I'm just excited.. about going to a new place.

Callie- I wish I was.. I'm kind of sorry we had to leave, I liked Denver.. it was starting to feel like home.

I took her hand.

Brandon- we don't need a place to make it feel like home, as long as you and me are together.. its home.

Callie- I know.. your right.

Brandon- don't worry.. things in North Carolina are going to be better.

Callie- yeah..

As the bus started moving I felt better, Callie rested her head on my shoulder and eventually feel asleep. I'm glad she could sleep so soundly, I hated lying to her about why we were leaving but I knew the added stress wouldn't be good for her.

Stef POV

Stef- how could we have missed them!

Officer- Brandon withdrew all of his money from the bank this afternoon, so they were definitely living in town.. they most likely took a bus out today.

Lena- which bus? 

Officer- we don't know, three different buses left.

Stef- then we can check wherever the three buses were going.

Officer- the buses stop at a dozen different towns.. they could get off anywhere.

Lena- it took us five months to track them down here.

Stef- there's got to be something we can do.

Officer- I'm sorry, we'll keep you posted if anything comes up.

The police officer left.

Lena- we should head home.

Stef- we can't stop looking..

Lena- face it Stef! we are never going to find them.. because they don't want to be found, and your the only to blame for this.

Stef- me!

Lena- yes you! you started this by kicking them out.. their our kids and its our job to take care of them.. no matter what they do.

Stef- what are you saying?

Lena- I'm done searching.. we have to go home, we have other kids that need us too.

Stef- you go home then.. but I'm not gonna stop looking for them, I will never stop. 

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