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Callie POV

I waited in the hallway for Brooke to come off stage. All the kids flooded into the hallway, Brooke ran into my arms.

Callie- hey, you did so good.

Brooke- it worked! the necklace worked!

Callie- guess what, I don't think it was the necklace.. that was all you.

Brooke- do you think I could be a real ballerina someday?

Callie- I think you can be anything you want.. lets go home and tell daddy how good you did.

Brooke- can we get ice cream?

Callie- sure, we can stop and get some on the way home.

Brandon POV

I pounded my fingers against the keys once again. Trying to compose music tonight was just not working. I had a deadline to meet and couldn't afford to leave my piano without a song in hand. My phone rang, I picked it up.

On the phone:

Brandon- hey.

Callie- hey, you still at home?

Brandon- yeah.. how was the recital?

Callie- she did so good, I got it all on video tape.

Brandon- can't wait to see it.

Callie- well were on our way home and were gonna stop and get ice cream so we can celebrate tonight.

Brandon- by the way someone from the office called for you.

Callie- who was it?

Brandon- I don't know, they said something about not getting the prints they ordered..

Callie- oh.. I better call and try to figure out whats going on, I'll see you soon. I love you.

Brandon- I love you too.

Callie POV

I checked my phone again, I was waiting for a call back from work. I sat in the car texting, Brooke was in the backseat becoming impatient.

Brooke- mommy! the ice creams melting.

Callie- okay.. we can go home.

I turned the car on and started driving. After a few minutes my phone started going off with texts and calls. I tried ignoring it but it kept going off. I looked down and picked up the phone.

Brooke- mommy!

I looked up, a car was about to collide with me. I swerved to avoid it but it was too late. We crashed and everything went black.

Brandon POV

The doorbell rang, I went to answer it. I had no idea who it would be, it was pretty late and if it were Callie and Brooke coming home they would ring the doorbell. I opened the door and saw a police officer at my door.

Officer- excuse me, I'm looking for Brandon Foster.

Brandon- that's me, whats going on?

Officer- your wife..

Brandon- I just talked to her on the phone.. shes heading home.

Officer- there's been an accident,

Brandon- what kind of accident?

Officer- your wife and daughter were involved in a car crash tonight.

Brandon- wh.. what..

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