Everything Has Changed

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Callie POV

We laid on the couch in silence for a long time afterwards. My head resting on his chest, feeling the warmth of our two bodies together. I knew the destruction that would come from what we had done but I didn't want to face it right now, I just wanted to remain in the moment as long as we could. I felt Brandon place a gentle kiss on my head as I tightened my arms around him, not wanting to let go.

Brandon- are you okay?

I lifted my head from his chest and looked up into his eyes.

Callie- I'm better than I have been in a long time.

We both smiled as Brandon brushed a strand on hair from my face. He saw my face change as a rush of doubt went through me.

Brandon- whats wrong?

Callie- nothing I just.. for a minute there I forgot everything. I was just thinking about you and me and now that I'm realizing what we did I..

Brandon- don't..

Callie- what?

Brandon- don't say it was a mistake, don't say it was wrong.. what we did was completely right.

Callie- I just love you, is that so wrong?

Brandon- no more wrong than it is for me to love you.

Callie- what are we gonna do?

Brandon- I don't know.. but we can figure something out.

Brandon POV

After returning home that night we went to bed without talking anymore about what happened. I laid in my bed that night not being able to sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Callie, what had happened had worried me and made me happy at the same time.

Callie POV

I woke up the next morning with my first thought going to Brandon. I got up and headed downstairs, everyone was already in the kitchen and ready for breakfast.

Lena- good morning sleepy head.

Stef- we thought you would never get up.

Callie- sorry, I must have been extra tired.

Stef- well sit down, we were waiting for you to get up so we could share some exciting news with everyone.

Callie- news?

Lena- yes, we got word last night that the Judge finally gave us the clearance for your adoption.

Jude- does that mean..

Stef- it means you can get adopted as soon as possible.

Lena- we made a court date for the end of this month.

Callie- that soon?

Luckily the rest of the family was to excited to notice the troubled looks being exchanged between me and Brandon.

Brandon POV

After Breakfast Callie followed me up to my room. I closed the door behind us making sure no one was around.

Callie- I can't believe this is happening now.

Brandon- I know.

Callie- Brandon, if they find out that we slept together.. Stef and Lena will never adopt me.

Brandon- what are you saying?

Callie- we can't tell anyone what happened, no one can ever know.

Brandon- what? I thought last night brought us back together again, I thought that's what you wanted!

Callie- this morning it all became clear to me, that this is my life. This is how things have to be. If I don't get adopted who knows where I'll end up, back in a group home, back in Juvy.

Brandon- I won't let that happen, I won't let them send you away.

Callie- as much as you want to you can't control that. What happened last night.. it dosen't change anything.

Brandon- your wrong, it changes everything.

Callie POV

I was walking home from school a few weeks later, so consumed in my own thoughts I didn't hear Wyatt approach behind me.

Wyatt- hey

Callie- hey

Wyatt- where you been lately?

Callie- what do you mean?

Wyatt- well I haven't seen you in awhile, are you avoiding me?

Callie- no.. I just have a lot on my mind.

Wyatt- that what you said before.

Callie- look Wyatt, I think we should go back to just being friends.

Wyatt- what! why?

Callie- I just think we were better that way, before we were a couple.

Wyatt- is this because of Brandon?

Callie- no, look the adoptions happening in a few weeks and I have way to much going on in my life right now for a relationship.

Wyatt- of course you do.

Callie- please don't be mad, I still want to be friends.

Wyatt- yeah well I don't.

Wyatt walked away and left me standing on the sidewalk. I felt my stomach turn and ran to a nearby bush to vomit. I stood up afterwards thinking to myself how could things get any worse.

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