I Love You More

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Brandon POV

I slowly approached my moms tonight, I didn't want to ask anything of them right now but I knew I had to for Callie. I couldn't just sit here, I had to do something to get Callie home again. They we're sitting in the kitchen paying bills, they looked up as they saw me come in the kitchen.

Stef- hey..

Lena- you need something, Brandon?

Brandon- uh no, I just.. I was thinking about Callie and.. well you said you wanted to help her, right?

Stef- yes, but there's not really much we can do right now.

Brandon- well there actually is something you could do..

Lena- we can't be her foster parents anymore Brandon, they won't allow it.

Brandon- I know but.. you could help her get emancipated, help her get out of the foster system completely.

Stef- Brandon, we can't do that.

Brandon- why not? I know the court fees could cost a lot of money but..

Stef- its not just about the money..

Brandon- then what is it about? 

Lena- we don't know how to help Callie anymore.

Brandon- I just told you how you can help her.

Stef- give us one good reason we should do this.

Brandon- because I asked you too.. because haven't asked anything of you since I've been home, I'm asking for this one thing. 

Lena- I just think we've already helped Callie as much as we can.

Brandon- fine.

I turned and started walking out of the room but then stopped and turned back to them.

Brandon- but you could help her if you really wanted too.

Callie POV

As I sat in the living room of the Girls United home, I noticed very few familiar faces around. The only person I knew from there was Becka. All the other girls had moved onto other homes. 

Rita- Callie, why don't you share with the group.

Callie- um.. okay.

Rita- why don't you start out by telling the girls how you got here.

Callie- I ran away and violated my probation, they sent me back to Juvie and.. now I'm here.

Becka- why'd you run away?

Callie- I got pregnant.. by my foster brother. My foster moms kicked us out and.. we ran away.

Hailey- What happened to the baby?

Callie- shes living with her father right now.. shes almost three months old..

I was choking back tears, Rita could see I was upset and chaged the direction of the conversation. Later that night I took the garbage out back as part of my chores. As I turned to go back inside I heard a rustle from the bushes. I disregarded it and continued into the house until I heard it once again and stopped.

Brandon- Callie..

Callie- Brandon.

I saw him coming around the corner of the house, I made sure no one was looking and ran over to him. I ran into his arms and we hugged. I held onto him so tight, I never wanted to let go.

Callie- you shouldn't be here, your gonna get in trouble.

Brandon- you want me to leave?

Callie- no! I missed you so much, hows Brooke and everyone?

Brandon- everyone's fine, but I want to know how your doing..

Callie- I'm fine.

Brandon- really?

Callie- yes.

Brandon- look I'm gonna find someway to get you out of here, we're all gonna be together again.. I promise.

Callie- I know.

Brandon- you should go, I don't want you getting in trouble for this.

Callie- okay.. I love you.

Brandon- I love you more.

Brandon POV

When I came back home after seeing Callie I found moms in the same spot as when I had left. I went in the kitchen, they we're still sitting at the table.

Brandon- your still up?

Lena- where we're you?

Brandon- I just had something to take care of.

Stef- did you go to see Callie?

Brandon- no.

They didn't say anything, I could tell by the way they were looking at me they knew I was lying. I would never admit it though.

Lena- we we're talking after you left and we decided something.

Stef- ever since all this happened.. we've been putting most of the blame on Callie but.. thats not fair to do.

Lena- you and Callie both made mistakes.

Stef- we'll find Callie an attorney and put up the money to file for her emancipation.

Brandon- thank you.. this means so much to me I..

Lena- but you have to cooperate with us, you have to trust us that we know what we're doing.

Stef- and that means no more sneaking over to see Callie, alright?

Brandon- alright.

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