They'll Be Different

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Brandon POV

I knew this day would come, I dreaded it. It seemed as though everything was falling apart so quickly.

Brandon- Callie.. I just..

Callie- you lied to me! you've been lying to me for months now.

Brandon- I was just trying to protect you..

Callie- there never was any job.. our entire life we created here is all built on a lie!

Brandon- that's not true! we can still make this work.. we can just go away from here and start over..

Callie- no.. I won't do it anymore Brandon, we need to go back to San Diego.

Brandon- back to San Diego.. or back to prison, that's where we're headed if we go back there.

Callie- we're still minors.. and with Stef and Lena helping us..

Brandon- I'm not willing to take that chance.. 

Callie- it will look better if we go back of our own free will and not in handcuffs.

I crossed the room and leaned over to the crib, looking at Brooke sleeping soundly. Callie came up behind me and laced her arm in mine.

Callie- Brandon.. I am completely terrified of what will happen but we need to do this for her, we're her parents.. we have to do whats best for her.

Brandon- whats worse Callie.. a life on the run or a life without her parents?

Callie POV

I grabbed the mail from our box and headed back upstairs to the apartment. I flipped through the envelopes.

Karen- Callie.

I looked up and saw Karen coming towards me.

Callie- hey.

Karen- how are you.. since the baby I mean.

Callie- I'm good and the baby's doing well too.

Karen- great.

Callie- look I'd love to chat but I have to get back upstairs.

Karen- Callie wait! I have to tell you something..

Callie- okay.

Karen- I don't really live in the building.

Callie- who are you then?

Karen- I'm a private investigator.

Callie- oh.. I see, Stef sent you.

Karen- you know about that?

Callie- Stef dropped by earlier..

Karen- I'm sorry I lied to you about who I was but..

Callie- its your job.. to lie to people. I have to go..

Karen- for what its worth.. I tried to convince Stef that it was better to just leave you guys alone but she..

Callie- but she couldn't.. and now our entire futures are on the line.

Brandon POV

We had been in the apartment all day going over all the facts of our situation. Time was of the essence, I feared every minute that police would eventually be knocking at our door. Callie came back into the apartment.

Brandon - did you get the mail?

Callie- yeah.. its just bills..

Brandon- look.. I've been thinking about what you said and.. your right.

Callie- really?

Brandon- yeah.. we should stop running, but if we go back to San Diego.. you have to promise me something.

Callie- what?

Brandon- just promise.

Callie- not until you tell me what it is..

Brandon- when we go back you have to tell the police that I kidnapped you, that I made you come with me..

Callie- Brandon they will never believe that..

Brandon- then you have to make them believe it, its the only way you won't end up back in Juvy Callie..

Callie- well I'm not gonna do that.

Brandon- please Callie..

Callie- no! whatever happens when we go back.. we'll face it together and we'll get through it.

Brandon- I just don't know if we'll get through it in one piece or not..

Callie- lets leave tomorrow morning, there's no use putting it off.

Brandon- okay.. but if we do this, I want it to be on our own terms.

Callie POV

We laid in bed with the baby between us that night. I realized this would probably be our last peaceful moment together for awhile. Me and Brandon looked at each other from across the bed as Brooke squirmed between us.

Brandon- you sure about this?

Callie- I'm not sure of anything right now..

Brandon- we could still run.. if we left right now.

Callie- no.. this may be hard but.. I know its the right thing.

Brandon- its gonna be weird.. to see everyone again.

Callie- they'll be different.

Brandon- we're different too.

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