Damaged At Best

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Brandon POV

I tossed back and forth in bed. The room was starting to get light so it must be morning. I reached over and felt that Callie wasn't in bed with me. I opened my eyes and got up to go in search of her. I went into the hallway and saw the door to Brooke's room cracked open, we had kept the door closed ever since the accident. I slowly went into the room and saw Callie asleep on Brooke's bed, she was holding Brooke's stuffed horse in her arms.

Brandon- Callie..

I leaned down and touched her shoulder, she started to wake up.

Callie- hey.

Brandon- I woke up and you were gone.

Callie- I couldn't sleep..

Brandon- I don't know if its a good idea for you to be coming in here right away..

Callie- I'm fine.

Brandon- I know, I'm just saying..

Callie- just get off my back okay! I'm alright.

Callie got up from the bed and stood in front of me. When she stood up I could smell it on her.

Brandon- have you been drinking? 

She didn't answer, just turned her eyes away from me.

Brandon- Callie you don't drink.. you never drink.

Callie- I never had a reason to before.. but my daughter is dead and I think I'm entitled to a drink.

Callie left the room and headed down to the kitchen, I followed her downstairs. She started the coffee maker and went for mugs out of the cabinet.

Brandon- do you want breakfast? I can make something.

Callie- don't you have to get to work?

Brandon- um.. no. I thought I wouldn't go back for awhile..

Callie- right..

Brandon- You know Callie maybe we should get some counseling.. or something.

Callie- counseling! why would we need that?

Brandon- I just thought you might want to talk to somebody, you don't talk to me anymore.

Callie- I might want to talk to someone? I'm the one that has the problem here!

Brandon- that's not what I'm saying.

Callie- well talking to some therapist isn't going to fix me.. because she can't make my daughter come back and that is the only thing that will make me feel better.

Callie sat the coffee cup down and started to leave the room.

Brandon- you never answered me! do you want breakfast or not?

Callie- I don't care Brandon.. make breakfast, don't make breakfast.. whatever makes you happy.

She left the kitchen. I felt so hurt and angry inside. Callie had been pushing me away for weeks, I knew she was grieving but so was I. We needed each other more than anything right now but were so consumed in our own grief that we couldn't be there for each other. The coffee maker beeped, I got up to get the coffee. I poured two cups and reached for plates from the kitchen cabinet. I mechanically went about setting the table for breakfast, the same way I had so many times before. I took the plates and set the first plate down, then the second. After setting the second plate down I realized I had a third plate in my hand for Brooke. I knew she was gone but I had still picked up that third plate. I held the last plate in my hand for a minute looking at it. Then in complete anger and rage I took the plate and threw it across the room. I watched it shatter to pieces, much like our lives.

Callie POV

I headed up the sidewalk to the Fosters house. I really wasn't in the mood to be around a big group of people right now, I just hoped I could keep a low profile and get through this as easily as possible. Mariana met me at the front door, we shared a hug.

Mariana- hey, I'm so glad your her but.. I understand if this is too much for you..

Callie- no, Mariana.. its your bridal shower, I want to be here for you.

Mariana- thanks, come on.

We headed into the house arm in arm, there were crowds of people scattered among the house. One of Mariana's friends came over to her and gave her a big hug.

Mariana- I'm so glad you could make it.. you know Callie right?

Kaitlin- yes, nice to see you again.

Callie- you too.

Kaitlin- you know my daughter is about the same age as yours, we should get them together for a play date some time.

There was an awkward moment of silence.

Kaitlin- I'm sorry.. did I say something wrong?

Mariana- um..

Callie- my daughter was killed in a car accident a few weeks ago.

Kaitlin- oh my God.. I'm so sorry.

Mariana- you didn't know..

Kaitlin- I.. I uh..

I turned to Mariana.

Callie- I'm sorry.. I really can't be here right now.

Mariana- I understand.

Callie- I'm just gonna go home.. I don't wanna ruin the party.

Mariana- I'll drive you..

Callie- no, its your party, you need to stay.

Mariana- then let me call Brandon to come get you.

Callie- no, I'm fine.. really.

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