I Need You

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Callie POV

Me and Brandon laid in bed together after making love. I intertwined my hand with his. Feeling his fingers and palm. I had almost forgotten what had happened to his hand, it seemed a long time ago that it happened and Brandon never talked about it.

Callie- is your hand still numb?

Brandon- a little.. why?

Callie- your keyboard sits right there across the room but you haven't played since we moved in.

Brandon- I've just been busy I guess.

Callie- yeah I know.. I still don't think you should have taken on that second job.

Brandon- we need the money and I can handle it.

Callie- I lost my job yesterday.

Brandon- you did? why?

Callie- they had to cut back on people.. I was the one of the last hired so..

Brandon- wait yesterday.. why didn't you tell me?

Callie- I didn't want to worry you.

Brandon- hey.. there is nothing you can't tell me.

Brandon POV

I sat on the bed, trying to focus on what I was doing but my mind kept drifting. I keep looking up at my keyboard sitting across the room. I was thinking about what Callie had said about me not playing anymore. Part of it was true, I was busy lately. The other reason had to do with me just being afraid to play again. Afraid it wouldn't be good enough. Afraid that it would confirm my fears about never playing the same way again. I got up from the bed and made my way across the room to the keyboard. I reached down to press a key.

Callie- Brandon!

I looked over to Callie who was coming out of the bathroom.

Brandon- what is it? are you okay?

Callie- I felt the baby kick.

Brandon- you did?

Callie- yeah put your hand right here.

She took my hand and moved it along her belly but I felt nothing.

Brandon- I don't feel anything.

Callie- he was kicking.. I felt it.

I took my hand off her belly and started to walk away.

Brandon- you must have felt something else.

Callie- wait! there it is again, come here..

I touched my hand to her belly, feeling a kick now.

Callie- did you feel it?

Brandon- I felt it.

Callie- there's really a baby in there.

Brandon- yeah and we made it.

Callie- its all becoming so.. real. That we're actually going to be parents.

Brandon- I know.. the next four months will go by fast.

Callie- do you think we're ready?

Brandon- I don't know if we'll ever be ready.

Callie- I'm afraid I'll be a terrible mother.

Brandon- not possible.

I moved forward and kissed her forehead before wrapping her into a hug.

Brandon- I'm scared too.. but everything will be fine.

Callie POV

I slowly woke up and glanced at the clock and It was past midnight. I saw Brandon coming into the apartment and laying down on his side of the bed, not even stopping to take his shoes off. I turned on the lamp.

Callie- your just getting home now?

Brandon- yeah..

Callie- this is crazy Brandon, you can't keep working these hours.

Brandon- can we just fight about it in the morning Callie, I'm tired..

Callie- that's what I'm talking about, your exhausted..

Brandon- we need the money Callie.

Callie- its not worth it! 

Brandon- Callie if I don't work these jobs we can't pay the rent, or buy groceries, or take care of our baby.

I know he was doing it for us, for our family. I moved to take his shoes off of him.

Callie- I love you for taking care of our family the way you do.. I'm just worried about you. I know we need money to survive but.. I can't survive without you either. So you need to slow down.. okay Brandon?

He didn't answer, I looked at him and saw he was fast asleep. I pulled a blanket over top of him and turned off the light before snuggling up next to him and falling asleep.

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