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Callie POV

I was in Juvie, the walls felt like they were closing in on me. Other girls crowded around me, pushing and shoving me out of their way. I try to take a deep breath but can't breathe. I snapped awake, I sit up in bed trying to catch my breath. I realized I was at home, Brandon was in bed next to me. I keep breathing heavily, trying to calm myself down. I had been having that same dream ever since I got home. We had won the case for my emancipation. I was finally out of the foster system but couldn't understand why I was still having nightmares like this. Brandon woke up and sat up next to me in bed.

Brandon- Callie, whats wrong?

Callie- nothing.. I'm fine.

Brandon- did you have another dream?

Callie-  I'm sorry I woke you up.

Brandon- don't worry about that.

Callie- I'll be okay now..

Brandon- come here.

We laid back down in bed and Brandon wrapped his arms around me. He stroked my head until I drifted off to sleep again.

Brandon POV

I went into the kitchen for a snack and found Mariana playing with Brooke. Brooke was sitting in her highchair, while Mariana was putting lipstick on her.

Brandon- what are you doing?

Mariana- giving her a makeover.

Brandon- shes only six months old.

Mariana- so.. its never to early to learn how to use makeup.

Brandon- should you really be the one to teach her that?

Mariana- shut up! I know what I'm doing.

Brandon- well you better wipe that stuff off before Callie sees it.

Mariana- don't worry, shes gonna be gone all afternoon.

Brandon- hey, you wanna help me with something while shes gone?

Mariana- what?

Brandon- its kind of a suprise.. for Callie.

Mariana- okay.. what do you need me to do?

Brandon- well first off you could watch Brooke for us tonight.

Mariana- okay, what else?

Brandon- go shopping with me this afternoon.

Mariana- shopping? for what?

Brandon- you'll see.

Callie POV

I came into a surprisingly quiet house. At this time of night it was usually busy and noisy but tonight it was quiet, the lights we're dim. As I came into the house I saw a light on in the kitchen, I went in and saw Brandon waiting for me. 

Callie- hey..

Brandon- hey.

Callie- whats going on here?

Brandon- I thought we could have dinner.

Callie- where's everyone else?

Brandon- they went out for dinner.

Callie- okay.. well I'll just go check on Brooke before we..

Brandon- no! 

Callie- no?

Brandon- shes fine, Mariana is watching her upstairs, right now.

Callie- how'd you get her to baby sit?

Brandon- lets just say our savings account took a beating tonight..

We smiled and laughed. I went to take a seat at the table but Brandon stopped me before I could sit down.

Brandon- don't sit there..

Callie- why?

Brandon- just.. sit over here.

He pointed me to a seat at the end of the table as he sat down to my left.

Callie- your acting really strange.. whats this all about?

Brandon- nothing.

Callie- Brandon, you can't fool me.

Brandon- okay well.. you know I love you, right?

Callie- of course..

Brandon- its just.. when we first got married, I couldn't give you a real engagement ring or wedding..

Callie- I don't need any of that.

Brandon- I know.. but you deserve it.

Brandon pulled out a small box and opened it revealing a beautiful ring inside.

Callie- Brandon..

Brandon- I was trying to figure where and how I was gonna do this. I wanted it to be something memorable.. I decided to do it here because.. this is where we first met. Where I first fell in love with you.

Callie- you want to get married again?

Brandon- yeah.. but this time with our family. The right way..

Callie- your pretty amazing, you know?

Brandon- so are you.. are you gonna say yes or do I have to get down on one knee here?

Callie- well we already have a baby together and I love you a lot so.. I'll think about it.

We smiled.

Callie- I didn't mean that.. yes, I'll marry you.. again.

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