Living A Lie

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Brandon POV

The interaction between me and Callie had been brief since we had that fight. The fight had revealed to me that she did still have feelings for me but what did it matter. What good were either of us having feelings if we couldn't act on them. Besides me and Lou had something, something that over time could be just as strong as what I felt for Callie, right?

Lou- Brandon!

Brandon- yeah?

Lou- where is your head today, your not focused at all.

Brandon- sorry I just..

Lou- you better get it together, we're preforming tonight!

Callie POV

Wyatt- are you okay?

Callie- I'm fine

I wasn't fine, I was confused. After that fight with Brandon and not being able to go all the way with Wyatt it really made me reevaluate my relationship with both of them. Maybe I was just trying to hard, moving to fast with Wyatt. As for Brandon I was afraid I would never really get over him and if I didn't soon I would be trapped in this adoption as his sister for the rest of our lives. It was all hitting me now, what was really at stake. I needed this adoption, I needed it more than I wanted it maybe but it was about what I needed right now, that's just the way it had to be.

Wyatt- you seem kind of distant.

Callie- I just have a lot on my mind right now.

Wyatt- obviously not me.

Callie- no, I'm just thinking about the adoption and..

Wyatt- having second thoughts?

Callie- no

Wyatt- is there something going on that I should know about?

Callie- no, I am fully committed to you.

I leaned in and gave Wyatt a strong kiss, trying to convince both of us everything was okay.

Brandon POV

We were setting up the equipment getting ready to preform in a little while. Lou hadn't even shown up yet, I was extremely nervous to sing tonight. The crowd was starting to pour in which intensified the mood even more. I was relieved when Lou finally showed up to the venue.

Brandon- your late.

Lou- everyone else is just early.

Mat- whatever lets just play.

Lou- actually I decided to switch up songs for tonight.

Mat- switch up songs?

Lou- yeah.

Brandon- we have been working on that song all week, I can't learn a new song in five minutes.

Lou- oh.. its okay, you already know this song.

She handed me the music sheet. The minute I saw it I was furious.

Brandon- I told you not to use this song.

Lou- I know but I just thought it would be better, okay?

Brandon- no not okay! I told you this song was off limits and you completely disregarded me and went behind my back!

Lou- just calm down, its no big deal.

Brandon- I can't believe this.

Mat- look guys why don't we just play the song we were originally gonna do and then..

Brandon- no, I'm sorry but I can't be in a band with someone who does things like this! I quit.

Mat- wait Brandon..

Lou- you seriously quit, just because of a song!

Brandon- I warned you Lou! I warned you not to use that song, I'm done here.

I turned to leave.

Lou- its a good song, you just don't want to use it because its a shrine to some old girlfriend!

I continued to walk out, hearing Lou yelling behind me. 

Lou- Brandon!

Callie POV

I had met up with some of the girls from the group home tonight. We went out for ice cream, it had been awhile since we had all be able to just hang out together again. We headed out to the parking lot as the place was closing, everyone said there goodbyes. Me and Gabby were the only two remaining.

Callie- do you have a ride home?

Gabby- yeah, my new boyfriend's coming to get me.

Callie- new boyfriend?

Gabby- he is so amazing.

A car pulled up and parked a few feet from us.

Gabby- there he is, come on I want you to meet him.

I followed her to the car, as he rolled down the window I saw his face appear and it was a familar face.

Gabby- Callie this is Liam my Boyfriend, and Liam this is Callie. Callie was in Girls untied with me for a little while.

I stood there completely shocked. He knew who I was and I knew who he was. We hadn't seen each other since that day in court.

Liam- its nice to meet you.

I remained silent, not knowing if I should try to warn Gabby or just play along. 

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