I Could Not Ask For More

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Callie POV

We made it to North Carolina within the week. We were looking at an apartment we might rent. Overall I liked the feel of North Carolina better than Denver, it seemed more like a family atmosphere. Walking into the apartment building I saw neighbors talking and people smiling, plus with Brandon's new job maybe he wouldn't have to work so much. I ran my hand along the kitchen counter of the place we were looking at with the building manager.

Building Manager- it's got a bedroom, bathroom, and a large kitchen.

Callie- its nice.

Brandon- how much?

Building Manager- rent is 500 a month, two months down.

Brandon looked over at me from across the room for my opinion on the matter. 

Callie- its up to you.

The building manager gestured towards my pregnant belly.

Building Manager- its a great place to raise kids, the elementary school's right around the corner..

Brandon- alright.. we'll take it.

I started unpacking things while Brandon went to the store to pick up some groceries. The apartment was much nicer than the place in Denver, it also had more furniture but we we're still lacking a kitchen table. I had almost everything unpacked when Brandon came home with the groceries.

Callie- this place is really nice.

Brandon- yeah it is..

Callie- when do you start work?

Brandon- um.. actually I stopped by to ask about that and.. they had already filled the position.

Callie- what? I thought you said it was a sure thing?

Brandon- its okay.. i'll just find something else.

Callie- I can't believe we came all this way for nothing.

Brandon- yeah well..

I started unpacking the groceries.

Callie- ah.. wheres the chicken?

Brandon- oh.. I must have forgot it, sorry.

Callie- no, its fine.. we can just get it later.

A moment passed, I continued unpacking the groceries.

Brandon- I'm lying.

Callie- what?

Brandon- about the chicken.. I lied. I didn't really forget it I just.. I didn't have enough money to buy it.

Callie- oh..

Brandon- I'm sorry Callie, I just didn't want you to worry.

Callie- you can't!.. I know you want to protect me, but I don't need to be protected. Okay, I'm not a child.. I'm your wife.

Brandon- I know that.

Callie- then you should know that keeping things from me dosne't help anyone. If we arn't doing that well financially.. then you need to tell me.

Brandon- okay.. I used the last of our money to rent this apartment and buy those groceries, until I find a job we're broke.

Callie- I can handle knowing that.

Brandon- I know you can handle it.. I just don't want you to have to.

Callie- what?

Brandon- I wanted to give you a better life than this.

Brandon turned away from me and sat on the edge of the bed. I went over and sat next to him, putting my hand on his knee.

Callie- Brandon.. you have already given me a life better than I could have ever expected.

Brandon- yeah right.. 

Callie- I'm serious, when I found out I was pregnant I didn't know how any of this was gonna work but.. I'm happy and I couldn't ask for anything more than that.

Brandon POV

I managed to find a job soon after we settled in. It was basically another dead end job like I had before but it kept us from going under. Callie was practically counting the days until the baby arrived, she was anxious to be able to get a job and earn some money again. We still had two months before the baby was due to arrive. Everything seemed to be looking up but I still worried that someone would locate us again. I was more cautious then last time and made sure not to become to comfortable. I was mostly worried about what getting caught would mean for Callie, she was at risk the most. By leaving the state she was violating her probation and could be sent back to Juvy if we were ever found. I was wide awake tonight, not being able to sleep. I just watched Callie sleeping peacefully beside me. Callie rolled over on her side and rubbed her nose, she was so beautiful. I whispered to her while she slept.

Brandon- I'm sorry Callie.. I'm sorry I had to lie to you about why we came here.

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