Far Away

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Callie POV

Brandon- are you sure your gonna be okay?

Callie- I'll be fine.. go to work.

Brandon- okay, but call me if anything happens..

Callie- nothings gonna happen, the doctor said I'm fine and the baby is due in just a few weeks.

Brandon- alright.. I love you.

Callie- I love you too.

After Brandon left for work I decided to start composing another letter to Jude. I felt bad I hadn't written to him in a week. Things were just so busy with the baby I had kind of forgotten about him. I had to be careful when writing that I didn't say to much or give away any details about where we were staying. It kind of amazed me that we had been able to stay hidden away for so long, then again with the way we left things Stef and Lena probably wern't looking that hard to begin with.

Dear Jude,

      In only a few weeks your going to be an uncle. I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile but a few weeks ago we had a bit of a scare with the baby and it distracted me from writing. Every things fine now but I am definitely ready to have this baby. I wish so badly you and the rest of the family could be here to celebrate our baby with us but I know that even if we are far apart we are still a family. Tell everyone else we love them and don't forget that I love you. I'll send you a picture of the baby once its born.               

                                                                                                             Love,  Callie

Brandon POV

Taylor- hey.. Foster.

I turned around just as I was clocking out of work. 

Brandon- hey.

Taylor- I heard your gonna be a dad pretty soon.

Brandon- yeah, in just a few weeks.

Taylor- congratulations..

Brandon- thanks.

Taylor- I bet your folks are pretty excited to be grandparents huh? You should here my mother she is constantly on me to get married and give her grand kids..

Brandon- uh.. my family isn't really in the picture, its just me and Callie.

Taylor- oh.. why not?

Brandon- they just didn't really.. approve of me and Callie together, when they found out she was pregnant.. well you can imagine how they reacted.

Taylor- well maybe once the baby is born..

Brandon- I don't think so.. I'm not sure if I even want them around my baby after everything that's happened.

The conversation got me thinking about the family again. I had never imagined doing any of this without them.

Callie POV

I was headed upstairs to the apartment with a couple bags of groceries in my arms. I struggled for my key to open the door and dropped on of the bags, groceries spilled out everywhere. 

Karen- here let me help you..

The girl looked about middle aged, she started picking up the groceries I spilled.

Callie- thanks.. its kind of hard for me to bend over these days.

Karen- I can see that, I'm Karen.

She reached her hand out to me, I shook it with my free hand.

Callie- I'm Callie.

Karen- I think we're neighbors, I live right across the hall.

Callie- yeah I guess so.. 

Karen- is it your first baby?

Callie- yeah.. yeah it is.

Karen- I don't mean to pry but.. you look kind of young.

Callie- I'm only sixteen.

Karen- so where did you move here from?

Callie- uh.. you ask a lot of questions.

Karen- sorry.. I'm kind of a nosy neighbor sometimes..

Callie- my husband will be home soon.. I should unpack these.

Karen- okay.. well I'll see you later.

Callie- yeah.. thanks for helping.

Once I got in the apartment I started making dinner. I opened the kitchen cabinet and saw the bowl I needed on the top shelf.

Brandon- Callie!

Callie- in the kitchen..

I reached for the bowl but was struggling to get it.

Brandon- Callie! what are you doing?

Callie- I need the bowl to mix..

Brandon reached up and grabbed the bowl down for me.

Brandon- Callie, your eight months pregnant..

Callie- oh.. like everyone can't already tell!

Brandon- your not supposed to be straining yourself..

Callie- your starting to drive me a little crazy you know?

Brandon- I just love you and the baby.. and I just want to make sure you are both alright.

Callie- hey the neighbors across the hall..

Brandon- yeah?

Callie- we met them when we moved in right?

Brandon- yeah.. an older couple lives there with their son.

Callie- they didn't have a daughter?

Brandon- no.. why?

Callie- I met this woman today.. she said she lived across the hall from us, but I've never seen her around before.

Brandon- maybe shes just a visiting relative..

Callie- yeah.. maybe.

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