Sparks Fly

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Callie POV

I was still kind of shaken up about running into Liam. It worried me even more that he was dating Gabby, I was going to meet up with her this afternoon to talk to her about him. I was so nervous that I was nearly shaking.

Brandon- hey, have you seen my car keys?

Callie- no.

Brandon- I thought I left them on the table downstairs but there not there.

Callie- I don't know where your keys are okay! 

Brandon- okay, sorry I asked.

Callie- wait, Brandon.. I'm sorry. I just have a lot going on right now.

Brandon- whats wrong?

Callie- I.. I ran into Liam yesterday.

Brandon- what! where?

Callie- it turns out hes Gabby's boyfriend, he was picking her up and..

Brandon- did you tell her who he was?

Callie- I didn't know how too, he pretended like he didn't even know me.

Brandon- well you have to warn her.

Callie- I'm going to, I'm going right now.

Brandon- I'll go with you.

Callie- no.

Brandon- Callie, I wanna make sure your okay.

Callie- don't worry, Liam won't be there.

Brandon- how do you know he won't show up.

Callie- he won't, I'm just going to talk to Gabby.

Brandon- let me drive you then.

Callie- you can't even find your car keys, besides you have band practice.

Brandon- actually I don't.. I quit the band last night.

Callie- what! why?

Brandon- its a long story.. I'll tell you later.

I met Gabby at a park nearby the house. I didn't know quite how to explain everything to her, she seemed so invested in Liam. 

Gabby- no, no.. your lying.

Callie- I'm not, this is what he does he seduces girls and then takes advantage of them.

Gabby- I know him and hes not capable of doing those things.

Callie- please Gabby you have to believe me.

Gabby- why should I believe you! your the one that has a relationship with all your foster brothers! you probably came onto him.

Callie- I know it seams that way but just listen to me.

Gabby- I'm done listening.

Brandon POV

I opened the front door only to find Lou standing there.

Brandon- what do you want?

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