We're A Family

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Callie POV

We followed Stef and Lena into the kitchen. The tension in the room was at a high. My stomach was turning, I didn't know if I could even get through this without throwing up. I could see the anger and disappointment in their eyes.

Stef- Callie, I thought we had an understanding.

Callie- I know, I'm sorry.

Lena- honey, we thought this what you wanted.

Callie- I really thought I could go through with it but..

Stef- do you two even understand how difficult your lives are going to be.. all of our lives!

Lena- a decision like this impacts the entire family.

Brandon- we know that.

Stef- I don't think you do!

Lena- okay maybe we should consider adoption.

Brandon- no!

Stef- you can not raise a baby at sixteen.

Brandon- how do you know that, it may not be easy but..

Stef- no you can't! what about college? what about your futures?

Callie- Stef, your right.. about all those things. When I found out I was pregnant I wanted to get rid of the baby, I didn't want it to disrupt my life in any way but.. that was wrong and it was crazy for me to think that by getting an abortion everything could just go back to normal.

Lena- Callie, things can't back to normal but having a baby won't make everything okay either.

Callie- I know that and I understand why you both wanted me to have the abortion. You were trying to protect me.. to protect both of us from all the hurt and pain that comes with being teen parents. You were protecting your child and now I need you to understand why I have to protect mine.

Stef- this is never gonna work, I will never accept this..

Brandon- mom, please..

Stef- no! I want you both out of the house.. tonight!

Lena- Stef!

Brandon POV

Callie and me headed upstairs, the rest of the household was waiting at the top of the statirway wanting to know what was going on. I turned to Callie, putting my hands on her shoulders.

Brandon- just ah.. pack a bag for tonight so we can get out of here.

Callie- okay.

Brandon- everything is gonna be fine okay, I promise.

We went to our separate rooms and packed a bag then met up in the hallway again.

Mariana- Where are you guys going?

Brandon- mom kicked us out.

Jesus- no way!

Brandon- yeah.

Jude- you can't leave!

Callie bent down to Jude's level to talk to him.

Callie- look buddy its okay, we'll be back its just for a little while.

Jude- why do you have to go?

Callie- we all just need a little space.. to figure things out. But were a family.. and we are all gonna be together again, I promise.

We went downstairs, heading out the door.

Stef- Brandon, I'm just doing what I have to do.

Brandon- so am I.

Callie POV

Brandon drove in silence for a long time. I had no idea where we were going to go, I don't think he did either.

Callie- where are we going?

Brandon- we can just.. stay at a motel for tonight.

Callie- and in the morning?

Brandon- I don't know yet.

We checked into a motel. When we got in the room I just dropped my bag and sat on the bed.

Brandon- I can get a job.

Callie- what about school?

Brandon- I don't know, but I don't have much money so..

Brandon came over and sat on the bed with me.

Callie- we are not gonna be able to do this without help Brandon.

Brandon- we don't have any help, you heard mom.. they kicked us out.

Callie- maybe she'll change her mind, after things cool down..

Brandon- maybe not.

I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I let them fall from my face. Brandon saw how upset I was and wrapped me in a hug.

Brandon- its gonna be okay, I'll get a job and we can find a place to live. I'll take care of everything.. and all you have to take care of is our baby. Okay?

Callie- okay.

Brandon held me and I must have fallen asleep sometime later that night, in his arms. I was so unsure of what the future would hold for either of us or our baby. What I did know is that I had chosen the right person to have a baby with. Brandon was my strength and could always talk me down. I was worried about how we would make it but I just hoped that our hearts were strong enough to make it through this in one piece. Because God knows that its impossible to make it through something like this without some casualties.

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