Marry You

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Callie POV

I had fallen asleep in the car. I almost forgot where we were going, I woke up and looked out the window not recognizing any of the landscape. Brandon looked over and saw me opening my eyes.

Brandon- your awake.

Callie- yeah.. how long was I asleep?

Brandon- a couple hours.

Callie- where are we going?

Brandon- um.. I thought maybe Denver, for now at least. It will take another days travel to get there.

Callie- are we stopping soon?

Brandon- yeah, there's a town in a few miles we can stay there over night then get back on the road in the morning.

Brandon POV

I collapsed on the motel bed, I was tired and kind of sore from driving all day. I didn't want to stop for anything other than getting gas. I knew were wern't far enough away to feel safe yet.

Callie- you want something to eat?

Brandon- what did you buy?

Callie brought the food over to the bed and sat next to me.

Brandon- pickles and a can of spray cheese.

Callie- yeah.. what?

Brandon- that sounds horrible.

Callie- well I had a craving.. its not me its the baby asking for it.

Brandon- somethings wrong with that baby then.

Callie- don't say that! he can probably hear you.

Brandon- he? you think its a boy?

Callie- I don't know, I mean its to early to tell yet but.. I just feel like its a boy.

Brandon- Callie.. 

Callie- yeah?

Brandon- lets get married.

Callie didn't say anything.

Brandon- it can't come as a complete shock I mean your pregnant and were going to be a family soon..

Callie- were only sixteen.. its not even legal.

Brandon- we could use our fake ID's to get the marriage license.

Callie- I don't know about this Brandon.

Brandon- we could stop at the courthouse tomorrow before we leave.. unless you don't want to marry me?

Callie- no.. no baby I want that, I do.

Brandon- then say yes.. someday I promise I'll get you a real ring and do this right but for now..

Callie- I don't need a ring.. I just need you so.. yes, lets get married tomorrow.

Callie POV

We were headed to the courthouse to get married. It wasn't going to be a big wedding or anything but I had never really been one of those girls that had dreamt of a fairy tale wedding since they were ten years old. Part of me felt kind of sad that we couldn't have a wedding with family and friends though. It was something that I thought I would never want but Brandon made me see things differently and had me dreaming for things I never knew I wanted. I put on the nicest dress I had, which ironically turned out to be the same dress I had worn the day I was supposed to be adopted. I was strange to think that I would go to court in the same dress today for a different purpose. I was so consumed in my own thoughts I didn't here Brandon come back in the room.

Brandon- hey

Callie- your back, wer'd you go?

Brandon- we'll there's one more thing we needed to get married.

Callie- whats that?

He held out two wedding bands in his hand.

Callie- right.. rings, I almost forgot.

Brandon- Its almost time, ready to go?

Callie- yeah, lets go get married.

We headed to the courthouse, thankfully the judge accepted our fake ID's without much reservation. We stood there as he started preforming the ceremony.

Judge- and by the power vested in me..

Callie- uh.. wait.

Judge- is there a problem?

Callie- um.. do we get to say like vows or anything?

Brandon- we didn't write any vows.

Callie- I know but.. there's just something I need to say.

Judge- go ahead.

Callie- um.. when we first met, I was so lost but you saw something in me and helped me discover a part of myself that.. I didn't even know was there. I still don't know why someone like you would pick someone like me. Someone that most of the time is.. a complete mess. But you did and you love me and take care of me when I don't deserve it. I love you.. and I'm gonna do everything I can to make you happy.

Brandon- well to be honest, I don't deserve you. You are such a incredibly strong woman who makes me a better person. I love that you let me take care of you because I like being needed. I love you more than I thought I would ever love anyone, you are everything to me and I will spend the rest of my life trying to give you everything I can.

We stood there and listened to the judge say the final words and pronounce us Husband and Wife.

Judge- you may kiss the bride.

We leaned in and shared a soft kiss, in a way it kind of reminded me of our first kiss. I hoped that decades from now every time he kissed me it would still feel magical like the first time.

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