Say Something

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Callie POV

I woke up this morning and all I could think about was that it was Friday. The abortion was scheduled for this afternoon. I got up and walked over to the mirror, I lifted up my shirt and looked at my stomach. I wasn't really showing yet, I moved my hands over the area trying to picture a baby. Brandon wouldn't even speak to me anymore, he wasn't acting angry about the baby it was more just sad and hurt. 

Brandon- what are you doing?

I turned and saw Brandon standing in my doorway. I pulled my shirt back down over my stomach.

Callie- nothing I.. I was just trying to imagine what I would look like with a big stomach.

Brandon- why, its not like your stomach will get any bigger after today.

Callie- Brandon.. I..

Brandon- moms want you downstairs for breakfast. 

He left the doorway and I felt horrible again. I hated hurting him like this.

Brandon POV

I shoved my books into my backpack as I was about to head out the door for school.

Stef- Brandon..

Brandon- yeah.

Lena- mind if we talk to you for a minute?

Brandon- do I have a choice?

Stef- watch your mouth and look at us when we are talking to you.

Lena- we know this isn't easy for you.

Stef- its not easy for any of us.

Brandon- really, because it seams really easy for you. Callie has an abortion, no one finds out she was ever pregnant, and life goes back to normal. right? isn't that how it works.

Stef- Brandon, we are trying to do the right thing here.

Brandon- right for who? because if killing off a baby is the right thing to do then.. I don't want to do the right thing.

Callie POV

My doctors appointment was at ten so Stef and Lena had me stay home from school. We sat in the waiting room at the hospital, I got up to go to the bathroom. I was washing my hands when another woman came out of the stall and started washing her hands next to me. She was obviously very pregnant.

Woman- oh..

Callie- are you okay?

Woman- yeah, shes just kicking again.

Callie- how far along are you?

Woman- 7 months, you know everything else about being pregnant sucks but when I feel her kick its the most amazing thing ever.

Callie- yeah I.. I have to go.

I ran out of the bathroom and headed back to Stef and Lena.

Lena- Callie, the doctors ready for you now.

Brandon POV

I couldn't focus on anything today at school, all I was thinking about was Callie. When I got home I saw moms car in the driveway and knew they were back. I entered the house cautiously and saw Callie sitting in the living room. I started for the stairs wanting to get as far away from her as possible.

Callie- Brandon, wait!

Brandon- what?

I stopped and she came towards me. I couldn't even look at her.

Callie- we need to talk.

Brandon- I can't, I have homework and..

Callie- I didn't do it!

I turned towards her.

Brandon- you didn't?

Callie- I went to the hospital, I went into the room to have it done but.. I just couldn't, I couldn't go through with it.

Brandon- I don't understand, you were so determined to get it done but.. you didn't, why?

Callie- I don't know why and  I don't know how any of this is gonna work but.. one thing that I'm sure of is that you will be a great dad.. so even if I completely screw this up.. our child will still have one good parent.

Brandon- Callie I don't want you to do this just for me.

Callie- its for us and for our baby.

She took my hand and touched it to her belly.

Callie- You loved me.. even when I couldn't love you back. But I'm ready now.. I can say it, I love you and I can't do this without you. 

I didn't say anything.

Callie- and I wouldn't want to do this without you I.. can you just say something because..

I moved forward placing my hands on her face and giving her a gentle kiss.

Brandon- I love you and I.. I love this baby already.

Callie- are we completely crazy for wanting to do this?

Brandon- maybe a little.

Callie- I am so scared and strangely happy at the same time.

We hugged but were interrupted when Stef and Lena came in the room.

Stef- Brandon, Callie, come in the kitchen.. I think we all need to talk.

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