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I'm fast forwarding the story into the future. Brandon and Callie are in their early twenties and Brooke is five years old.

Brandon POV

Brandon- come on, I've been waiting forever.

Callie- just keep your eyes closed, well be out in a minute.

Brandon- you know one of these days I'm gonna get tired of waiting on you two..

Callie- okay were ready.. open your eyes.

I opened my eyes and saw Brooke dressed in a purple ballerina outfit.

Brooke- do I look pretty, daddy?

Brandon- you look beautiful..

Callie- alright come on, were gonna be late for your recital.

Brooke- are you coming, daddy?

Brandon- uh.. I can't, I have to work. I'll come next time though okay, I promise.

Callie- Brooke.. why don't run upstairs and get a sweater, its cold out tonight.

Brooke- okay.

Brooke left the room, I returned to what I was working on.

Callie- can't you come to her recital?

Brandon- we've been over this.. my job is to compose music, I have deadlines I have to meet..

Callie- well you know its not that easy running my own photography business either but I still make time to go to her dance recitals.

Brandon- next time.. I promise.

Callie- okay, I'm gonna make sure you stick to that.. shes growing up fast enough.

Brandon- I know, she asked me if I could teach her how to play the piano yesterday.

Callie- shes so much like you.. that's why I love her so much.

I went over and gave Callie a kiss, wrapping my arms around her waist.

Brandon- maybe the next kid we have will be like you.

Callie- don't start this again..

Brandon- every time I try to talk to you about it, you shut me down.

Callie- its not a good time for us to have another kid..

Brandon- when is it ever gonna be a good time? I brought this up years ago and your still putting me off.

Callie- I love Brooke and our family more than anything but my business is just taking off now and if we had another baby..

Brandon- it would slow you down.

Callie- its not like that..

Brandon- you know Brooke is begging us for a little brother or sister.

Callie- and we will make her a big sister someday.. but not now.

Brooke came back downstairs.

Callie- alright lets go, give daddy a hug goodbye.

Brooke came over and I got down to her level to give her a hug.

Brandon- your gonna do so good tonight at your recital, I can't wait to hear about it when you get home.

Brooke- I love you daddy.

Brandon- I love you too.

Callie POV

After driving to the recital, we got out and headed into the lobby of the building. I took Brooke's hand and walked her backstage with the director and other girls.

Callie- okay, I'll be watching in the audience with your aunt and uncles and grandparents. We'll all be there clapping for you.

Brooke- I'm scared..

Callie- no baby.. there's nothing to be scared about, you just go out there and do the best you can.

Brooke- what if I forget?

Callie- you know what, I know exactly what you need.

I reached behind my neck and took my necklace off.

Callie- this necklace was my moms.. and I'll have you know, it has magical powers.

Brooke- it does?

Callie- yeah.. whenever I would feel scared or lonely, I would just touch this and I would feel my mom with me.

I put the necklace on her.

Callie- it can work the same magical powers for you, your grandma never knew you but.. she'll be on stage with you tonight. So go out there and do a good job, okay?

Brooke- okay.

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and watched her join the other girls preparing for the recital. She really was growing up so fast. I shuttered to think someday she would be a teenager or going off to college. I also smiled at the thought of picking out a wedding dress with her someday or watching her hold her first baby. I was getting ahead of myself, all those things would come in time but tonight she was still just a little five year old ballerina.

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