To Good To Be True

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Callie POV

I smoothed out my white dress and took one last look in the mirror. Brandon and I were getting married again today. This time it would actually be legal as we got Stef and Lena to sign off on the papers since we were under age. We didn't want a big wedding, just something simple with the people we care about. It was going to be held in the backyard, with only a dozen people attending. 

Jude- they're ready.

Callie- okay, good.

I moved to leave the room, I saw Jude staring at me.

Callie- whats wrong?

Jude- nothing, its just..

Callie- what?

Jude- you look like mom.

I smiled.

Callie- you think so?

He nodded.

Callie- I know I have put you through a lot..

Jude- its okay.

Callie- no, its not. I can't promise that I'll never screw up again but.. I'm gonna try mt best, okay?

Jude- okay.

Callie- you know.. I need someone to walk me down the aisle today. If your interested?

He smiled and I took his hand.

Callie- okay, lets go do this then.

Brandon POV

We we're touring an apartment building in the neighborhood with Stef and Lena. They wouldn't tell us why they wanted to show us this place but by the way they were acting, something was up,

Callie- okay so what are we doing here?

Lena- we just wanted to show you guys this apartment and see if you like it.

Brandon- why?

Stef- because if you like it then we thought you could live here.

Callie- kicking us out?

Lena- of course not, we just thought since your married and have your own family you might want a place of your own.

Brandon- well yeah but.. we can't really afford it.

Stef- maybe you can.

Callie- what does that mean?

Stef- we already made the down payment on this place and first months rent.

Brandon- we can't let you do that.

Lena- its a wedding present, from both of us.

Stef- besides now that Lena and I are back together we don't need two married couples in the house.

Callie- thank you guys so much, we owe you a lot. 

Lena- you don't owe us anything, we're family.. this is what family does.

Callie POV

Brandon and I climbed into bed later that night. It felt so good to slip under the covers and rest in a warm bed at our new apartment. For the first time in a long time I felt safe, content, and really happy.

Brandon- I am so tired..

Callie- at least we got most of the stuff unpacked.

Brandon- yeah..

Brandon laid down in bed, I stared at him.

Brandon- what?

Callie- nothing.

Brandon- why are you staring at me like that?

Callie- I was just thinking.. things were so bad before and now..

Brandon- you've been through a lot.

Callie- we've been through a lot, but now everything is.. really good and I'm just so thankful.

Brandon- me too.

Callie- I don't wanna take anything for granted.. we have gone through so much to get here, in this moment together and..

Brandon- whats wrong then?

Callie- its just most of the time in life I've realized when things seem to good to be true.. they usually are.

Brandon- not this time, life's not gonna be perfect but you can't live always waiting for the ball to drop. Just enjoy it, we can worry about tomorrow together.

Brandon leaned in and kissed me, I folded into his kiss. I knew he was right, things were so good for us right now. We have everything we could ever want, but is it really to good to be true?

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