Ten Minutes

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Callie POV

I came out of the bathroom very anxious and nervous. Wanting and not wanting to know the results. Daphne and Kiara were in the living room of Daphne's apartment waiting for me.

Daphne- did you take it?

Callie- yeah

Kiara- what did it say?

Callie- I don't know it takes ten minutes.

Daphne- how are you feeling?

Callie- terrified.. this is just not how things are supposed to be, my first real time shouldn't be like this.

Daphne- so you and Wyatt never..

Callie- no, we almost did but I couldn't go through with it.

Kiara- but with Brandon..

Callie- it was different, it was natural like I didn't even have to think about it.

Kiara- how long has it been?

Daphne- only two minutes

Brandon POV

I parked my car in the driveway and headed to the front door of the house.

Wyatt- hey!

I turned and saw Wyatt coming up towards door behind me.

Brandon- hey, look if your here to see Callie shes not here.

Wyatt- actually I came to talk to you.

Brandon- about what?

Wyatt- me and Callie broke up.

Brandon- I heard.

Wyatt- I just want to know if you had anything to do with our breakup.

Brandon- what did Callie say?

Wyatt- she said there was nothing going on.

Brandon- so then why should you believe any different?

Wyatt- because I know her.

Brandon- oh you do.. okay. do you know she rubs her nose when shes worried, or touches her elbow when shes nervous, and she shrugs her shoulders when shes jealous..  and when she plays guitar she tends to mix up the G and the C cords. I don't have to compete with you, I already know that I know Callie better than you ever will. and to answer your question, no. Me and Callie arn't together.

Wyatt- I should have never gotten involved with her, I could always tell you guys had a connection.

Brandon- trust me right now.. we could not be less connected

Callie POV

Waiting for the pregnancy test was killing me. Daphne and Kiara were trying to make conversation with me but I couldn't carry a conversation right now. I just kept thinking of all the what ifs, just a few days ago my future had seemed so certain now everything was up in the air. My adoption date was just a few days away, how could I break it to Stef and Lena that they wouldn't just be adopting me but also an unborn baby inside of me. 

Callie- what time is it?

Daphne- it's been ten minutes.

I got up and crossed the room to look at the pregnancy test. It was two lines, positive.

Kiara- well..

Callie- its positive, I'm pregnant.

We all remained silent, Daphne and Kiara didn't know what to say.

Callie- what am I gonna do?

Kiara- look you have options, like adoption or abortion.

Callie- if Stef and Lena find out I'm pregnant with Brandon's baby they will never adopt me.

Daphne- well you have to tell them, I mean eventually they will find out.

Callie- I have to have an abortion and I have to do it before anyone finds out that I'm pregnant.

Daphne- arn't you even gonna tell Brandon?

Callie- I can't.

Daphne- why not? he is the father, Callie.

Callie- look, I know Brandon and I know that if he finds out he will try to do the right thing and take care of me. But this will mess up his life too.

Kiara- you can get it done at the clinic.

Daphne- I think you should wait awhile and think about this Callie. When I first found out I was pregnant I was sure I wanted to have an abortion but I didn't and now I can't even imagine life without..

Callie- I can't take time to think about this.

Kiara- you can go tomorrow after school, I'll go with you.

Callie- okay, tomorrow.

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