Strangers In A Strange Place

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Brandon POV

I slowly awoke and for a minute didn't realize where I was at first. Callie rolled over in bed and pinned down my arm, I pulled it out from underneath her. I thought to myself this bed is only big enough for one person but at the same time was glad she was there with me. Callie cuddled up next to me, she was still half asleep.

Brandon- hey.. we should get up.

Callie- no, the baby's still asleep.. lets just stay in bed awhile longer.

Brandon- I can hear everyone downstairs.. they must be having breakfast.

Callie POV

It was completely awkward and uncomfortable seeing everyone again. It wasn't how you might imagine with smiles and hugs all around, the way a homecoming ussualy is. Later in the day I went to seek out Jude and have a real talk with him. I went in his room, he was siting on his bed reading a book. I knocked on the door frame, he looked up from the book.

Callie- can I come in?

He nodded and then returned to his book. I came in and sat down on the side of his bed.

Callie- is it okay if we talk?

Jude- about what?

Callie- well I just got home.. I think there's a lot to talk about.

Jude- how long until you leave again?

Callie- okay.. I deserved that but Jude, I promise I'm not gonna run away anymore.

Jude- I don't believe you..

Callie- for what its worth.. I'm sorry.

Brandon POV

I came upstairs, as I was heading to my room I saw Callie talking with Jude. I was glad they were talking and hoped that running away hadn't damaged their relationship too much. When I got to the door of my room I noticed it was cracked open, it was shut when I left it a minute ago. I went in and saw mom holding the baby across the room.

Brandon- what are you doing!

Stef- she was crying so..

Brandon- I'll take her now.

She reluctantly gave me the baby and made a quick exit for the door. I know it shouldn't be a big deal but I didn't trust her again yet, especially not with my daughter. I sat down on the bed with Brooke. Callie came in the room soon after, shutting the door behind her. We had been doing that more than usual lately, shutting the door. We had also been keeping mostly to our room, not leaving except for the necessities. I guess we we're home, but it didn't really feel like home anymore. Maybe it never would feel like home again, maybe too much had happened and too much had changed.

Brandon- I saw you talking to Jude..

Callie- yeah..

Brandon- how'd it go?

Callie- okay..

Brandon- well you don't sound okay.

Callie- he never opened them..

Brandon- what?

Callie- all those letters I sent him.. he never read them, he never even opened them..

Brandon- Callie..

Callie- I really hurt him Brandon..

Brandon- you'll get past this.. it will just take some time.

Callie- I'm not sure about that.. 

Brandon- you have before, you will this time too.

Callie- this is worse than before.. he hates me.

Brandon- Callie, Jude could never hate you.. your his sister.

Callie- not anymore, now I'm just a stranger.

We heard a knock on the door, Stef and Lena came in.

Lena- sorry to interrupt..

Callie- no its fine, come in.

Stef- we thought it was time we talked.

Brandon- about what?

Lena- it been a week..

Stef- its time to go to the police and let them know your here.

Callie- whats gonna happen then.. are they going to arrest us?

Lena- we will do everything we can to make sure that dosen't happen but..

Brandon- but it could happen..

Callie- if we're both arrested what happens to the baby?

Stef- she'll stay with us.

Brandon- no..

Callie- Brandon..

Brandon- they can't just take her away from us.. we're her parents!

Stef- they'll most likely take away custody temporarily..

Lena- don't worry, we'll take good care of her if that happens.

Stef and Lena left the room. I turned to Callie very angry at the situation we we're trapped in.

Brandon- you see that! we come back here and they are already taking control.

Callie- they didn't mean..

Brandon- they are gonna take our baby away from us!

Callie- I know this is bad but.. what are we supposed to do?

Brandon- I was right Callie.. we should have never come back here.

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