Taken Away

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Brandon POV

I walked up the stairs, heading into my room. I saw Callie's Guitar across the room, her jacket draped across the back of the desk chair. Brooke was asleep in her crib, completely unaware of what had just taken place. I flashed back to earlier today.


We walked into the police station, Stef lead the way. She told me and Callie to take a seat while her and Lena talked to the police first. We took a seat, I looked around at the people sitting around us. We couldn't belong with these people, we wern't hardened criminals. We just wanted to stay together and raise our baby together, how was that a criminal act. Callie looked scared, I reached over and took her hand. She was slightly shaking.

Brandon- you okay?

Callie- yeah.. you?

Brandon- as long as your okay, so am I.

Callie- whatever happens today, at least I'll know I did the right thing. That I did something my daughter can be proud of.

Brandon- hey.. our daughter is so lucky to have you be her mother.

Callie- well shes pretty lucky to have you too.. so am I.

Stef- kids, they're ready for you.

Flashback Ended

I snapped back to reality when Brooke started crying from in her crib. I reached my hand down as she wrapped her small hand around my finger. I thought back again to earlier today.


I was at the police station, sitting in an interrogation room. They separated me and Callie, taking us to different rooms to talk with us. I didn't want to answer questions, I just wanted to know what was going to happen and when we could go home. 

Officer- Brandon Michael Foster, that's your full name?

Brandon- yes.

Officer- so you wanna tell me why you ran away from home.

Brandon- they kicked us out of the house.

Officer- because your girlfriend was pregnant..

Brandon- shes not my girlfriend.

Officer- well shes not your wife, not when you use fake ID's to get a marriage license.. that illegal, you know.

Flashback Ended.

I heard a knock on the door. I turned around and saw both of my moms in the doorway.

Stef- I think we should talk.

Brandon- there's nothing to talk about, not anymore.

Lena- Brandon, please..

I turned away from them, thinking back once again.


I was alone in the interrogation room, Stef and Lena came in. 

Brandon- whats going on? wheres Callie?

Stef- Brandon..

Brandon- where is she?

They both stood there silent.

Brandon- what arn't you telling me? tell me!

Stef- their going to overlook the charges against you but.. Callie..

Lena- the charges against Callie are a little more serious considering her record.

Brandon- how serious?

Stef- Brandon.. Callie has to go back to Juvy for right now.

Flashback Ended.

Stef- Brandon, we'll do everything we can to get her out.

Brandon- she shouldn't be back in Juvy to begin with! we should have never come back here, we should have never trusted you.

Lena- we love you both and we'll help you with the baby too..

Brandon- I don't need your help.

Stef- Brandon, I know this is hard now but think about how this would play it in the future. How would you explain a life on the run to Brooke?

Brandon- how are you gonna explain that you took her mother away!

Callie POV

I never imagined this, being back in Juvy again. I looked around at the people, I wanted so desperately to be home with Brandon and Brooke. My life was spiraling downward once again, just a few months ago we we're so happy. I had wanted this, I'd even asked for it. It had been my idea to venture back to San Diego and face whatever consequences came along with it but I couldn't help but wonder if I had done the right thing. How could this be the right thing for any of us.

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