Sick Of Fighting

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Brandon POV

Callie's adoption date was quickly approaching, I was avoiding her at all costs. She had tried to talk to me but I shut her down, there was no way to make this right. We had tried to move on, tried to think of each other as just family but we had failed. How could we ever move on after this, how could she not see that it was hopeless.

Stef- come on kids, time for dinner!

We all flooded down to the kitchen and took our places at the table.

Stef- so how was everyone's day?

Jude- I got a 97 on my math test.

Stef- you did.

Lena- good job Jude, I know you really studied hard for that.

Mariana- some girls from the dance team are going to the mall, can I go?

Lena- we will have to talk about that.

Stef- whats wrong Callie, your not hungry?

Callie- no I.. I just don't feel good.

Lena- whats wrong?

Callie- my stomach I.. I think I just ate something..

Stef- why don't you go lay down for awhile and I'll come check on you later.

Callie POV

I got up from the table and went upstairs. I laid down but it wasn't long before I had to go to the bathroom and vomit again. It had been happening a lot lately and I was afraid I knew why. I was a week late and scared to death. The next day I went to work and the smell of the fast food was making things worse. I came out of the bathroom after getting sick again.

Daphne- hey girl, you okay?

Callie- yeah I..

My voice started to break, my eyes filled with tears.

Daphne- no, don't do that here. come on lets go out back.

We went around to the side of the restaurant, where no one could hear us.

Daphne- whats going on?

Callie- I think I'm pregnant.

Daphne- what! did you take a test?

Callie- no but..  

Daphne- then you don't know for sure..

Callie- I'm late and I've been getting sick all the time, oh my God if I'm pregnant...

Daphne- it will be okay.

Callie- no Stef and Lena won't adopt me they'll..

Daphne- that's not gonna happen, they arn't like that..

Callie- no you don't.. you don't understand, this is Brandon's baby.

Daphne- what? you guys hooked up! I thought that was over.

Callie- I thought so too but we were together the other night and it just happened.

Daphne- what about Wyatt?

Callie- I broke up with him.

Daphne- well have you told Brandon?

Callie- no, hes barely even talking to me right now.

Brandon- hey

We spun around and saw Brandon coming towards us.

Callie- what are you doing here?

Brandon- moms told me to come pick you up from work, is your shift over?

Callie- yeah, can you just wait for me out front.. I'll be there in a minute.

Brandon- yeah sure.

Brandon disappeared around the corner as I turned back to Daphne.

Callie- oh.. do you think he heard us talking?

Daphne- I don't think so, Kiara's coming over to my apartment tonight.. you should come too. We can get a pregnancy test and you can take it there.

Callie- okay, I'll be there.

The ride home was quiet between me and Brandon. I knew if I tried to talk to him he would sense that something was wrong in my voice, he had a way of knowing when something was off with me.

Brandon- so why didn't you tell me?

I panicked inside. He knows, how could he know that I was pregnant. He heard me and Daphne talking, He saw me getting sick all the time and put it together.

Callie- what?

Brandon- Why didn't you tell me you and Wyatt broke up?

Callie- oh I.. I didn't think you would care.

Brandon- I was just surprised, I mean your the one that said nothing has changed.

Callie- well I'm surprised you have time to talk to me, you've been avoiding me for weeks.

Brandon- can you blame me, you made this choice Callie.. you made this choice for both of us.

Callie- no, this was never my choice.

Brandon- we could have done it Callie, if you would have been willing to fight we could have convinced them.

Callie- I guess I'm just tired of fighting.

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