Among The Ashes

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Lena POV

I got out of my car and ran to the front of the scene. The building before me was completely destroyed. The explosion had caused the roof to collapse and all entrances were blocked. The police and fire department were there and had yellow taped the surrounding of the building. I saw Stef at the front of the scene, I ran over to her.

Lena- Stef!

Stef- hey.

Lena- what.. whats going on? what happened?

Stef- the building exploded.. Brandon and Callie's car are both in the parking lot..

Lena- they're in the building!

Stef- yeah..

Lena- well what are they doing? why arn't they getting them out?

Stef- its not safe to go in..

Lena- oh my God..

Officer- Stef..

Stef- yes, do you have any news?

Officer- we found out the explosion was caused by a build up of methane.

Lena- methane?

Brandon POV

I woke up coughing, my eyes slowly adjusted to the dim space. There was rubble on me, I brushed it off and sat up. There was a large gash on my leg, it was bleeding out pretty bad. I looked around but I didn't see Callie any where.

Brandon- Callie! Callie!

I started moving around and frantically sifting through the rubble. I finally saw her arm sticking out from underneath, I pulled the debris off of her. She didn't move, I checked her neck and found a very slow moving pulse. 

Brandon- Callie!

She started coughing and opened her eyes, I helped her sit up next to me.

Brandon- are you okay?

Callie- I think so..

Brandon- what happened? why did the building..

Callie- methane..

Brandon- what?

Callie- the methane.. the contractor said it wasn't safe..

Brandon- why would you come in here if you knew it wasn't safe!

Callie- I just needed some papers.. I didn't think..

Brandon- you didn't think.. your just so stubborn.

Callie- we have to get out of here.

I looked around, we were blocked in on all sides. We were basically sitting in a cave like space, not even big enough to stand up in. I took to one wall and started pounding at it, after doing so another large pile of dirt fell from above.

Callie- Brandon!

Brandon- there's no way out..

Callie- there has to be.

I sat back down and Callie leaped up, she started pounding at the walls with her fists. 

Brandon- Callie, stop it!

I grabbed her from the waist and wrapped my arms around her but she refused to stop thrashing.

Callie- let me go! I have to get out of here!

Brandon- listen to me, there's no way out.. your just going to make things worse.

Callie- how can they get any worse?

Brandon- if we keep pounding on the walls it will just make us more trapped.

Callie- my God.. how could this happen?

Brandon- its gonna be okay.. I'm sure they're working to get us out of here right now.

Stef POV

Stef- I don't understand why you can't just go in there and rescue them!

Officer- the building is full of methane..

Stef- I understand that..

Officer- I don't think you do.. another explosion could happen at any time.

Callie POV

Brandon and I sat among the ashes, saying nothing to each other. You could tell the methane was building up again quickly. I was trying to stay calm but could feel my lungs filling up with the toxic air. I reached down and touched my belly, I couldn't imagine my baby was even alive after this.

Callie- do you believe in karma?

Brandon- what?

Callie- karma.. you know?

Brandon- this didn't happen because of anything either of us did.

Callie- after Brooke, I've wanted to die so many times but.. I don't want to die today..

Brandon- don't talk like that, we're gonna be fine.

Callie- I can't lose another child, Brandon..

Brandon came over to me and wrapped his arm around me.

Brandon- your not going to.. I promise, I'll find a way to get us out of here.

Callie- how can you promise something like that?

Brandon- have I ever broken a promise to you?

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