Here We Are

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Callie POV

We packed our bags and got ready to leave. We told Stef of what we had planned, she agree to drive back with us and keep quiet about us for a little while. I was worried about Brandon, he barely said two words to Stef and avoided her at all costs. I knew this had done serious damage to their relationship and it may be a long time before they are able to reconcile. Maybe I was just as bad though, I talked to Stef and wasn't necessarily angry with her but I in a way had lost trust. It became more obvious to me earlier today when she asked me if she could hold Brooke. I made some excuse that I didn't want to wake her while she was sleeping but truly I just didn't trust her with my baby yet, after all this was the same baby she wanted me to get rid of a few months ago. We pulled over after a few hours on the road to get gas in the car, we were all glad for a moment of relief from the tension inside the car. Brandon went into the convient store to get some things while me and Stef waited in the car. Brooke was sleeping in her car seat, I was glad she was too young to realize what was happening.

Stef- she really is a beautiful baby.

Callie- yeah.. I can't believe I had anything to do with creating something so perfect.

Stef- I used to imagine what it would be like when one of my babies had.. a baby of their own, I imagine holding it for the first time and.. spoiling it.. I never imagined it like this..

Callie- I imagined things differently too but.. here we are.

Brandon POV

It took days of traveling but the scenery was finally looking familiar again. I knew we were close to home now and would be there before we knew it. When I thought about coming home all I could think about was danger. We were practically walking into a war zone, completely unarmed and unprepared for the battle ahead.

Brandon- do they know we're coming?

Stef- yes, I called Lena last night and told her.

Brandon- know one else knows we're coming back, right?

Stef- one week..

Brandon- what?

Stef- We can hide you for one week.. then we'll take you down to the police station and you can turn yourselves in..

Brandon- we shouldn't have to turn ourselves in.. we did nothing wrong.

Stef- Callie broke probation and you helped her run away.. not to mention you used a fake ID to get a marriage license.

Brandon- we wanted to get married..

Stef- why!

Brandon- because we love each other.. we're a family.

Stef- you don't know anything about marriage or raising a child.. once your home we can help with the baby at least..

Brandon- maybe we don't know everything about parenting but neither do you.. and nobody is gonna take care of our baby but us.

Callie POV

We got to the house late at night. It was dark out which was probably a good thing since we didn't want anyone to know we were back. When I first saw the house again it was surreal, I never thought I would see this place again. The light was on in the living room, we made our way to the front porch. Stef unlocked the door and we came in, Lena was waiting up for us and met us at the door. She came up to us giving us both a hug, I saw a tear slip down her cheek and saw for the first time how much she must have missed us.

Callie- where's everyone else?

Lena- asleep.. I didn't tell the kids you were coming.

Stef- we thought it would be better in the morning..

Brandon- right.

Lena- come upstairs.. you can stay in Brandon's room.

Brandon POV

We went upstairs to my room. I was surprised to see it hadn't changed a bit since we left, I had figured by now they would have given it Jesus or used it for something else. I was glad they hadn't though, I was glad I still had a place here.

Callie- its weird being back, isn't it?

Brandon- yeah.. I never thought I'd see this place again.

Callie- I'm glad our daughter gets to see it.. 

Brandon- there's a lot of memories here.

Callie- yeah like.. we first met downstairs at the kitchen table.

Brandon- we had our first kiss out in the yard..

Callie- yeah.. and Jude caught us..

Brandon- I try to block that part out.

Callie- I'll be right back.

Brandon- where are you going?

Callie- I just want to look in on Jude before we go to bed.

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