I'm Scared

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Brandon POV

I pounded on the bathroom door again. I had been waiting forever to get my turn, Callie was taking especially long this morning.

Brandon- Callie! come on I'm gonna be late for school.

After another minute she came out. Her face looked nearly white.

Callie- sorry.

Brandon- you okay?

Callie- yeah.

Brandon- oh.. you don't have to walk home from school today. My car got fixed last night so I can drive everyone again.

Callie- um.. I'm going somewhere with Kiara after school today so..

Brandon- oh.. okay, have fun.

Callie- yeah.. fun.

Callie POV

I met Kiara after school so we could walk to the clinic together. I felt so scared I was shaking and about to vomit again.

Callie- I thought Daphne was coming too.

Kiara- she decided not to, she dosen't really like the idea of abortion.

Callie- I don't either.

Kiara- are you having second thoughts?

Callie- no, I have to do this.. I have too.

Brandon POV

I grabbed a cup from the cabinet and poured a glass of juice. I headed for the stairs when I heard someone knocking on the door. I sat the cup down and went to answer it.

Brandon- Daphne, Callie's not home.

Daphne- I know, that's why I'm here.

Brandon- what are you talking about?

Daphne- look I'll tell you on the way but we have to go right now!

Brandon- go where? what is going on?

Daphne- I think Callie's is about to do something shes gonna regret.

Callie POV

When we finally reached the clinic my stomach was turning worse than ever. We stood in the parking lot for a minute just watching all the people outside. I saw a lot of teenage girls walking in and out. They all looked so scared and worried.

Kiara- are you ready to go in?

I nodded and we started walking towards the building. We only got a few steps when a car parked behind us.

Brandon- Callie! wait!

I turned and saw Brandon and Daphne getting out of the car.

Callie- Brandon.. what are you..

Brandon- I know okay, Daphne told me everything and you don't have to do this.

Callie- yes I do.

Brandon- we'll figure something out okay, I promise.

He moved closer to me and took my hands in his.

Callie- you can't promise something like that. You can't think that everything is just gonna work out, we're sixteen and I'm pregnant!

Brandon- do you love me?

Callie- Brandon..

Brandon- do you?

Callie- that dosen't change anything!

Brandon- I love you Callie.

Callie- don't say that.

Brandon- its true Callie. every time you pushed me away, everything you did to keep me from you didn't work because I am standing right here in love with you.

Callie- I'm scared..

Brandon- I know.. I am too, but we'll be okay.

Brandon leaned in and kissed me. I folded into his kiss and tried so hard to believe what he said.. we'll be okay.

Brandon POV

Brandon- are you sure you want to do this now? its been a long day, we can wait until the morning.

I could see Callie thinking it over in her mind as we looked on to moms sitting in the living room.

Callie- no, I have to this now before I lose the nerve.

Brandon- okay.

I started walking towards the living room but Callie grabbed my hand and stopped me.

Callie- maybe it would be better if I went in alone first and broke the news to them.

Brandon- no I wanna be with you, you shouldn't have to face it alone.

Callie- I'm fine, please just let me have a few minutes before you come in.

Brandon- okay.

I kissed the top of her head.

Brandon- I'll be here if you need me.

Callie headed in the living room leaving me to wait and watch from a distance. 

Callie POV

I didn't know how to start, there is no easy way to tell them something like this so I tried to get straight to the point. They didn't say anything while I was explaining to them they just sat there silent, their faces changing from shocked to angry and then to concerned. 

Lena- oh my God Callie..

Stef- have you told Wyatt yet?

Callie- I.. I..

Brandon- Mom, its not Wyatt's baby.. It's mine.

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