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Callie POV

Me and Brooke were able to go home from the hospital the next day. When we entered the apartment building Brandon started heading towards the elevator before I stopped him.

Callie- lets take the stairs..

Brandon- its okay they fixed the elevator.

Callie- I know but.. I'd rather just not take any chances. Its our first day home with the baby so..

Brandon- okay.

We took the stairs and headed into our apartment. Brandon took the baby from me and placed her in the crib.

Brandon- come here.

Callie- what?

Brandon- I want to show you something.. cover your eyes.

Callie- if you want to show me something why should I cover my eyes?

Brandon- come on just do it..

Brandon placed his hands on my shoulders and started leading me in the right direction as I closed my eyes.

Callie- I feel like I'm gonna walk into the wall.

Brandon- just trust me.

We walked a few more steps and turned the corner. I could sense now we were in the kitchen.

Brandon- okay.. open your eyes.

I opened my eyes and saw a round kitchen table with four chairs around it.

Callie- a kitchen table..

Brandon- yeah.. I thought now that we have a kid, it would be a good time to get one.

Callie- I love it..

I turned to him and we shared a kiss.

Callie- now when the baby gets older we can have real family dinners.

Brandon- yeah, I remember so many fun family dinners growing up..

I saw a sadness cross through Brandon's eyes. I could tell he was thinking about home and the family.

Brandon- um.. I have to get to work, will you be okay today?

Callie- yeah.. me and the baby will be fine.

Brandon- okay.. I love you.

Callie- I love you too.

He kissed me and went over to the crib, touching the baby's hand before going out the door. I walked over to the kitchen table, running my hand along its smooth top. Then taking a seat at the table, imagining family dinners in our future. I flashed back to a conversation that seemed like a long time ago.


Brandon and I were sitting in Daphne's empty apartment, talking about living in an apartment together.

Callie- we could.. put your keyboard over there.

Brandon- my keyboard?

Callie- yeah.

Brandon- yeah we'll.. we'll put a flat screen TV right over there, killer sound system.

Callie- that costs too much, we need to get a nice kitchen table first.

Brandon- a nice kitchen table over a TV?

Callie- where else are we going to eat our breakfast..

Brandon- well I do make some serious pancakes.

The baby started crying and jarred me out of my day dream. I got up and went to go see to her.

Brandon POV

I ran into work, about to be late.

Taylor- hey man, I heard you became a dad yesterday..

Brandon- yeah, Callie had a baby girl.

Taylor- congratulations.

Brandon- thanks, you wanna see a picture.

I pulled out my phone and showed him the picture.

Taylor- uh.. that's what baby's look like when their born..

Brandon- shes beautiful like her mom.

Taylor- yeah.. well your practically celebrities now.

Brandon- what do you mean?

Taylor- you didn't see the paper?

Brandon- no.

Taylor handed me today's newspaper. I saw a picture of our apartment building on the front of the paper. Below it an article with our names listed.

Brandon- oh my God..

Taylor- its not everyday someone has a baby in an elevator so..

Brandon- did you see this anywhere else?

Taylor- well yeah I mean the news mentioned it but..

I ran out of the store, If this was on the news it would be an easy way for someone to discover us. I knew we needed to get out of here immediately. 

Callie POV

I snapped a picture of the baby with a disposable camera, I was planning to enclose the photo in my next letter to Jude. I laid her back in the crib just as I heard a knock on the door. I made my way over to the door and opened it.

Callie- Stef..

Stef- hello Callie.

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