Holding On And Letting Go

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Brandon POV

I sat at my keyboard, trying to compose something. Ever since Brooke died all I could come up with was sad melodies. Callie was becoming more distant with everyday that passed. All my attempts to reach out to her were disregarded, I couldn't take it anymore. We wern't a family or a couple anymore, we were just existing in this house together. As I stared at the keys I remembered when Brooke had asked me to teach her how to play the piano, I promised someday I would. Someday would never happen now. I flashed back to that last night.


Brooke- do I look pretty, daddy?

Brandon- you look beautiful..

Brooke- are you coming, daddy?

Brandon- uh.. I can't, I have to work. I'll come next time though okay, I promise.

Brooke- I love you daddy.

Brandon- I love you too.

Flashback Ended.

Callie POV

I took out a cigarette and started to light it when I heard a loud noise from upstairs. I disregarded it and went back to what I was doing but then I heard it again. I sat the cigarette down and headed upstairs to see what it was. When I got to the top of the stairs I saw Brandon in Brooke's room.

Callie- what are you doing?

Brandon- I'm packing some of this stuff away.

Callie- what! no! your not changing this room!

Brandon- its been months Callie, I can't look at this room anymore.. its torture!

Callie- I don't care! this room is staying exactly the way it is!

Brandon ignored me and started putting toys in a cardboard box. I ripped the box from his hands.

Brandon- keeping this room the same isn't helping us! it won't bring her back or change the fact that she will never sleep in that bed or play with those toys again!

I took the toys and started putting them back on the shelves again. Brandon grabbed my hands to stop me.

Brandon- Callie, stop it!

Callie- leave me alone! your trying to take her away from me!

Brandon- you can't take something that's already gone! Callie, listen to me!

Brandon tried to grab my hands again and stop me. I fought against him as he tried to get me to calm down.

Brandon- stop it! just calm down..

Callie- don't tell me to calm down! I counted on you! You were supposed to protect me!

Brandon leaned down, wrapping his arms around me and kissing me hard to stop me from struggling against him. It was the first real kiss we had shared in months, I folded into it and we continued kissing. We were both longing for each other so much in that moment. We fell into bed together and for just a minute I think I forgot how broken my heart was.

Brandon POV

I came in from work, dropped my car keys on the table. I saw Callie sitting in the kitchen and went in to see her. The room was dark, she didn't have the lights turned on.

Brandon- are you okay?

Callie- we need to talk.

Brandon- about what?

Callie- I want a divorce.

Brandon- what?

Callie- what we have isn't a marriage anymore, we both know that.

Brandon- well I don't want a divorce!

Callie- I can't do this anymore, Brandon.. I can't live in this house without my daughter and.. I can't live with you. Every time I look at you.. I see her and every time I hear you play that damn piano, I think about how she would have played and.. I just can't do it anymore.

Brandon- Brooke is dead.. but I'm not, I'm still here and I still need you!

Callie- I tried to make this work.. I..

Brandon- you.. you never tried. That night.. I didn't just lose my daughter, I lost my wife too. A part of you died that night too Callie and.. I don't know who you've become but I know that your still in there and.. I want her back, I want my wife back, I want us back.

Callie- I can't.. no matter how much I want to.. I can never be that person again.

Brandon- we have been through so much already.. but every time we have put the pieces back together again.. no matter what.

Callie- I love you.. but I don't know how to fix this..

Brandon- we can go to counseling, we can..

Callie- no.. its too late for that.

Brandon- your giving up..

Callie- I'm just tired.. I'm just so tired of fighting. I just can't be sad anymore.

Brandon- I love you..

Callie- I know but.. I just don't think love is enough to put the pieces back together this time.

We were both on the verge of tears by now. Callie kissed me on the cheek and then left the room, before leaving she put her key to the house in my hand.

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