On Our Own

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Callie POV

I felt like I had the best night sleep in a long time, feeling Brandon next to me was such a comfort in itself. I remember waking in the middle of the night to get up and get a drink of water. When I started to get up I saw out hands were still laced together the way they had been when we feel asleep. I knew this wouldn't be easy in any way but this baby had brought us back together. I wasn't living in any fairy tale but for a minute there it felt pretty close. I slowly awoke and reached over for Brandon only to find his spot in the bed empty and cold. I opened my eyes and sat up in bed, I saw Brandon across the room buttoning up his shirt. 

Callie- hey.

Brandon- hey, your up.

Callie- yeah, what time is it?

Brandon- eight.

Callie- oh.. I have work in an hour.

Brandon- hurry up and get ready, I'll drop you off. I found some jobs I'm gonna check out today.

Callie- Brandon..

Brandon- yeah?

Callie- maybe we should call Stef and Lena, you know just to let them know we're okay.

Brandon came over and sat on the bed facing me.

Brandon- if they wanted to know how we're doing they wouldn't have kicked us out.

Callie- things were just really crazy last night, after they have time to process..

Brandon- I don't want to talk to them right away.

Callie- Brandon I know your upset about what happened but this can't just be about us. Jude needs me and if I want to see him we need to make things right with them again. Plus do you really want our baby to grow up without knowing his family.

Brandon- okay, but I am not gonna let them tell us what to do with our baby.

Callie- thank you.

I leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss.

Callie- I better go get dressed.

Brandon- yeah, go.

Brandon dropped me off at work. I saw Daphne immediately as I went to put my apron on.

Daphne- you still mad at me?

Callie- not really.

Daphne- I shouldn't have told Brandon about the pregnancy.

Callie- no, you shouldn't have but.. I'm kind of glad you did.

Daphne- so I saw Brandon drop you off, you guys like together now?

Callie- yeah and we're keeping the baby.

Daphne- great, so everything worked out.

Callie- not everything.. Stef and Lena wern't very happy about me not getting an abortion, they kicked us out last night.

Daphne- what! they kicked you out?

I nodded.

Daphne- well what are you going to do?

Callie- hopefully this will all blow over and Stef and Lena will help us. 

Brandon POV

I applied for several jobs but had no luck. Not many places were looking to employ a sixteen year old that could only work after school. I was trying to be strong for Callie but I was really starting to worry about how we would do on our own. Callie seemed so sure everything would work out with moms and they would welcome us back into their home with loving arms but I wasn't so sure of that. I had never seen mom as upset as she was last night, maybe it couldn't be resolved. I paid for another night at the motel before heading back to the room. When I entered the room I saw Callie laying on the bed, when I looked at her she was staring off across the room. It looked like she had been crying.

Brandon- Callie..

Callie- hey.

Brandon- whats wrong?

Callie- nothing.

I sat down with her on the bed and took her hand.

Brandon- what happened?

Callie- I called Stef.

Brandon- oh.. what did she say to you?

Callie didn't answer me, another tear just fell down her face.

Brandon- Callie, what did she say to you!

Callie- nothing.. she didn't say anything, she answered the phone and.. when I told her it was me, she hung up.

Brandon- baby..

I leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

Callie- I'm fine, I was just sitting here for the first time realizing that we are completely.. on our own here.

Brandon- I'm sorry.

Callie- you were right.. they want nothing to do with us or the baby.

Brandon- I know you've been left a lot in your life but.. I'm right here and I will never leave you.

Callie- so if your not leaving.. and I'm not leaving then I guess were stuck with each other.

Brandon- I don't really mind being stuck with you.

Callie- good.

We shared a short hug.

Callie- oh.. I almost forgot, did you find a job?

Brandon- no, not yet.. but I will.

Callie- yeah.. were gonna be okay financially for awhile, arn't we?

Brandon- yeah for a little while at least.

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