Promise Me

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Callie POV

I was extremely tired today, I laid back down after Brandon left for work to take a quick nap. I wasn't asleep long before I awoke with sharp pain going through me. I got up and picked up my phone to call Brandon.

On the phone:

Brandon- hello?

Callie- Brandon.. I think I'm in labor.

Brandon- what? are you sure?

Callie- yeah.. positive.

Brandon- okay, I'll.. I'll leave work and come get you.

Callie- um.. I think you should meet me at the hospital instead, the contractions are coming fast.. 

Brandon- can you get to the hospital by yourself?

Callie- yeah.. its not that far.

Brandon- alright.. I'm on my way.

I hung up the phone as I felt another contraction. I put my shoes on and headed out of the apartment. I got on the elevator, knowing I couldn't handle stairs at this point.

Karen- oh.. hold the elevator.

I pressed the button as Karen slipped into the elevator.

Karen- I am already twenty minutes late for work..

Callie- yeah I'm kind of in a hurry too.

The elevator started moving, I was in immense pain and hoped for a short elevator ride so I wouldn't have to make conversation with this woman. Suddenly the elevator stopped moving and a red light started blinking.

Callie- what happened?

Karen- the elevator must be stuck..

Callie- what? no it can't be..

Karen- don't worry.. they usually have these things fixed within an hour or so..

Callie- no you don't understand.. I'm in labor.

Karen- well just calm down, uh.. I heard somebody say that it takes a long time for first baby's to be born.

Callie- that's not very comforting.

Karen- there will be plenty of time for them to fix the elevator and get you to the hospital.

Callie- oh my God..

Karen- what?

Callie- my water just broke.

Brandon POV

I rushed to the hospital, in a bit of a panic. Callie wasn't supposed to deliver for another week. Work was farther away from the hospital than our apartment so Callie should have had plenty of time to get there and check in. I went to the front desk of the hospital.

Brandon- excuse me.. my wife should be here, she called me and said she was in labor..

Nurse- whats the name?

Brandon- Foster.. Callie Foster.

Nurse- there's no one here by that name.

Brandon- what? she has to be here, she called and said she was on her way to the hospital.

Nurse- I told you there's no one here by that name.

Brandon- where could she be?

Callie POV

I laid on the floor of the elevator. The contractions were coming faster now, only a few minutes apart.

Karen- okay, I'll just call an ambulance from my cell phone.

Callie- it dosen't matter, they can't get to us unless they fix the elevator first.

Karen- look I don't anything about delivering baby's so your gonna have to wait until we get some help.

Callie- I can't wait! this baby is coming now.

Karen- Callie you have to hold on.

Callie- this is not how any of this is supposed to happen, Brandon should be here and I should be in a hospital. This is all my fault.. ever since the night I had sex everything has just been.. falling apart and now.. I'm having my baby in an elevator. I mean can you even believe this.. this is the way my entire life works, all the bad things happen to me.

Karen- okay your.. becoming a little hysterical.

Callie- look I don't know you and I know we're not really friends but.. I need you to help me.

Karen- okay.

Callie- you have to promise me.. you have to promise that no matter what happens my baby will be okay.

Karen- Callie..

Callie- no! promise that you'll do what ever you have to to make sure my baby lives.

Karen- your gonna be fine and the baby's gonna be fine..

Callie- Look.. my entire life I feel like all I have done is made mistakes or screwed things up but keeping this baby was not a mistake.. and carrying this baby makes me feel like for once I'm actually doing something important and meaningful in my life. It deserves a chance to live and have an amazing life. If something happens to it just because I was to stupid to take the stairs.. I couldn't..

Karen- its not gonna happen.

Callie- just say the words.. promise me. 

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